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So, what is currently on your painting table?

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30+ chaos marines in various states of conversion.

10 magnetized berserkers/raptors, assembled but unprimed.

5 counts as plague marines(painted, waiting to detail on the other 5 FW armor kits that are in the mail so they're uniform)

Unassembled new Daemon prince kit I've been pondering how to convert to look IW ish.

One chaos rhino, waiting on that same FW order for doors.

One obliterator, converted from a termie, needs detailing.

One dread, halfway painted, but on hold for new codex.


All in all, my painted IW force consists virtually entirely of rhinos and command models at the moment, pretty sad really. I'll have to buckle down this fall and crank out some grunts. :D


Off topic, but slightly relevant:


+loyalist stuff, lots(20+marines, 10 vets, 10 scouts, 10+ termies, 2 speeders, predator)


++Necrons, at least a battleforce worth. On hold until new codex.


I've been busy this summer and packed up my paint station to work on other stuff. :mellow:

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Of everything I have purchased so far, they're all mostly assembled, but as for painting to be done:


11 Plague Marines

13 CSM

5 Terminators

1 Sorc & Familiar

1 Rhino



3 Plague Marines



~ 80% completed:



...and all of my PMs are converted CSM with a nice, large helping of Greeen Stuff.

Gotta eat them veggies! Greens are good for fighting cancer!


In the planning process:

1 Chaos Lord on Palanquin

1 Chaos Terminator Lord

1 Daemon Prince

1 Chaos Predator

1 Defiler

~ 2 more Rhinos


There will most likely, probably be the potential for expansion of my Bilious Prophets warband

...sometime...in the near future

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Well, having finished the units I planned to get my tournament force fully painted for the Kthulu Tourney a couple of weeks ago, I'm just deciding what to work on next. I have a choice of the following:


- Khornate Rhino

- Lord with Wings

- Renegade Guardsmen for an attached force to my Chaos Marines

- EPIC Chaos Space Marines for an EPIC scale Legion of Taurus army


Once I decide where to focus, I will crack on with something...

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I've been bitten by the Chaos Bug thanks to starting Warriors of Chaos in fantasy, as a result I have decided to start a new Chaos Marine Army (World Eaters) rather than expanding my existing Black Legion alongside it's fantasy counterpart.


Facing me on my painting station are:

16 Bezerkers (2 units of 8) undercoated + 8 awaiting assembly

1 Defiler

Kharne The Betrayer

8 Possessed

3 plastic Bloodcrusher Juggernauts possibly awaiting assembly and painting if the fantasy Chaos Knight legs can fit on the Juggers with minimal to no green stuff (never used where it can be seen and I dislike it intensely) to create Jugger riding Bezerkers (likely counts as Bikers in the Chaos 'dex)

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This is actually a bit in the future, but I'm hoping to eventually paint...


1 Flamer armed marines

1 Terminator

1 Loyalist biker

1 Champion

1 Vanguard Veteran Squad

5 Chosen

4 Berzerkers


Also, those of you who have been in the Labrinyth thread know of Deinos, now a follower of Malal. I plan on converting and painting him as a follower of Malal, along with a diorama involving some guardsmen and a sentinel.... ;)

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10 Chaos Marines

9 Thousand Sons

5 Chaos Assault Marines

1 Sorcerer, Terminator Sorcerer, Dreadnought, Rhino, and Predator


And a Partridge in a Pear Tree (where'd he come from?)


All Primed (except the bird and the tree), just using my Black Reach Marines to develop my painting skills and get down the color scheme I want to use.

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Hmmm...on the painting table eh? Well as much as it pains me as a World Eaters player, currently have a couple squads of Noise Marines being painted up in purple and gold. Also a couple boxes of Conquest Normans waiting to be painted, but thats slightly off topic(erm off forum?)
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I've just got some photos of the marines on their spiffy new bases, also a shot of the Dark Apostle re-based in line with the new scheme.


http://i201.photobucket.com/albums/aa103/welshmalign/Word%20Bearers/DSC_0005-7.jpg it's not the best shot of the figures themselves, it was more to show them on the bases.



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