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Can a DSing vehicle pop smoke when it arrives?


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No books in hand so I can't answer this question: if I DS my Land Raider (BA dex) can it pop smoke the turn it lands? If memory serves, it can't move when it lands and it can't shoot (as it counts as having moved Flat Out...though I'm pretty sure this alone doesn't award it a cover save as it's not a bike or Fast) but with PotMS it can shoot one gun...can it use PotMS to blow smoke instead? :D Is it even necessary? Can it just blow smoke when it lands?



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Once per game, after completing its move, a vehicle with smoke launchers can trigger them (it doesn't matter how far it moved).

Smoke Launchers aren't weapons, so using them isn't firing a weapon (else using them would prevent their use). So the Flat Out prohibition on weapons fire doesn't apply. Seems pretty straight forward. I would say yes.

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Slightly off there thade. Deepstriking vehicles count as moving only at Cruising Speed.


As the rulebook quoted by dswanick shows, you can pop smoke no matter how far you moved, simple as that. So you're fine, for starters, because you're only "moving" at Cruising Speed, but even if it was Flat Out, you still could pop smoke based on the Smoke Launchers rules.

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Thanks for the clarifications. :D I've taken a weird liking to DSing that Giant Drop Pod from Hell when things like Lances and giant Sister of Battle pipe organ tanks will easily make short work of it...getting the payload somewhere useful seems a good idea to me. Popping smoke as it lands might just let it make a final position adjustment in its next turn before becoming a smoldering husk.
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  • 2 weeks later...
There is no such rule. They count as moving at Cruising Speed. The only time a vehicle gets a cover save for moving fast is a Fast Skimmer, and that's when it moves Flat Out.
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