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Ideas for different defilers


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I was thinking tonight at work (sloooooow night) and was thinking about trying to join a defiler and the talos/cronos set. The questions are:


1) Is it possible?

2) Would it look terrible or good?


Anybody else had any other ideas to freshen up the defiler kit?

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Aside from the scale issue you would also have to take into account that the Defiler is all armour plates, and the Talos is mostly flesh.

Serious greenstuffing and converting would be required to make it look decent. Rounded (Plasticard) armour plates for the Defiler (shoulders mostly) might help.


Then you have the scale issue to contend with.



My 2 Kraks





PS. I've been building an alternative Defiler, maybe I should get off my arse and post some pictures.

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I made a variant, just using the Defiler set and some plasticard+greenstuff.





The only hard thing to do might be the head, which require some sculpting skills, but other than that, it's just repositioning of stuff really. Oh, and the small legs at the front are also home-made, but they are not crucial for the conversion.

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Well i used the Talos as a Blood Slaugtherer conversion.


And i can say that if done rigth the Talos body can be used in place of the turret,but then you have to place the battle cannon some other place.






Here's an example of what i did.







I did put the battle cannon on a different place on each of my Defilers,to give them each a unique look.


One's is on a scorpion tail,one's is on a Arm/Shield and the last one is under the Skull.

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Yeah, that's what I had meant about adding the upper half of the Talos to the chasis of a defiler. I just was thinking of making some sort of Fabius Bile themed thing. Lol.


Any other good kitbashes for the dark gods?

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loving those defilers guys and brother nihm we got to see what you have in store for them,so dust off the camera. ;)

the one thing i love about chaos is thinking outside the box and you guys certainly show that.

i personally agree that the two kits have a major sizing issue as it was something i was considering before i moved to different directions,two of which i will show you now ,the first was to use the defiler legs and remake a body


and the second was to use the talos size and tentacle legs creating this


as you can see the second is about the size of a talos and a good deal bigger than the first attempt

although despite the sizing issue slayer has done an awesome job :wub:

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