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Can an IC leave a unit if he is out of coherency?

Rain Finale

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The situation: My IC is joined to a unit but the opponent's shooting removes models such that now the IC is out of coherency with the rest of the unit. In my movement phase, can my IC leave the unit or does he have to move to restore coherency?


  1. BRB (p12): "During the course of a game, it's possible a unit will get broken up and lose unit coherency, usually because it takes casualties. If this happens, the models in the unit must be moved in such a way that they restore coherency in their next Movement phase.
  2. BRB (p48): "An independent character can leave a unit during the Movement phase by moving out of coherency distance with it"


To me, it seems that if my IC leaves the unit, then the coherency is restored. By leaving the unit, I move the models "in such a way that they restore coherency".


My opponent argues that I have to move them into coherency before the IC can leave.


What are your thoughts on this?

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Definitely no need to move the IC or the unit back into Coherency. A case could be made that the Character would have to move (somewhere) and would be best to declare you're breaking coherency.
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I would interpret it the friendlier way- during the movement phase theyre more than 2" apart, so are automatically out of coherency and thus no longer joined. No need for a regroup move.


The hero has been cut off from the unit, happens all the time. *shrugs*

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As an IC can leave coherency whenever he wants (in the Movement Phase), your opponent was wrong. Simply move him farther away.

^This. The IC can join or leave at his leisure during the Movement phase. To be pedantic about it, the rules are written with three basic sections (Movement, Shooting, Assault) and then subsequent sections which are exceptions to parts of the three basic sections. In this case, the IC rules regarding coherency (can join/leave at will during Movement phase) supersede the standard coherency rules (have to move back into coherency if not in coherency during movement phase).


When the IC does have to move back into coherency are things like Assault Pile-ins and Consolidations (as these are not during the Movement phase) and the IC must stay in coherency if the unit he/she is with Runs (which happens during the Shooting and not the Movement phase).

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In this case, the IC rules regarding coherency (can join/leave at will during Movement phase) supersede the standard coherency rules (have to move back into coherency if not in coherency during movement phase).

Right on the money. The coherency rules are written for squads without IC's in mind.

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