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AustonT's Blood Angels


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So I've been playing Blood Angels for a little over 14 years. Most of my original army is gone; sold, destroyed, or lost. My current army dates back as far as 2001 in parts, but for the most part is a small current playing army, a relatively large PDF jump pack army, and a whole bunch of WIP....some of which date back to 2001.

This is my army as it stands right now:


Not including whats on sprues, in bit boxes, or stored I have in varying states of completion:

4 Rhino/RBs

4 Preds to include 2 Baals

2 Vindis

2 Speeders w/AC

2 Land Raiders

2 Dantes

2 Libbys

4 chaplains


2 Libbys in PA

The SH Libby in TDA

4 SHP or Noviates


2 Attack Bikes


A Furioso Libby

A Plasic Dread

14 JP DC


15 RAS

an Honour Guard with Champion

4 Termies with LC

1 Termie With TH

1 Termie with AC

A Whirlwind Turret (Chassis Raided for RB)

This doesnt include a great deal of my still boxed or sprued marines that may end up in my Crimson Fists.

I intend to turn this into a WIP and Painting Log; paritally to encourage me to finish whats currently on the coffee table, the SH set, and turn out a fieldable fully painted 5K plus BA Army.

Ill post more pics when I can figure out a way to make my camera stop hating minis.

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Spent some time taking new pics of my minis with the camera set up a little better and spent a little time in Powerpint making squad pics.

Current HQ, still unbased.


Honour Guard


And my Three Troops




C&C always welcome. Ill post more or WIP when I have them.

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Yesterday I decided I got tired of looking at my old Vindicator Mk1. I got it second hand from my roommate who played space puppies at the time. Many of the parts are warped and poorly prepped for paint. I went after it with file and sandpaper and after about 5 hours of work I gave up and it got paint. The are some pesky moldlines and bent plates Im just not willing to invest more time to fix until the rest of my army is complete. Here it is before priming:


And after applying the two primary colors:


At this stage it has been washed, black/red clean up, metal brushed, edge highlighted, and details mostly painted, a coat of liquitex matte varnish has been applied but this really only knocks down some of the glare and creates a filter. It's useless for protection. Basically at this stage its at the tabletop quality I'm shooting for. It needs a name, smokelaunchers, and a stormbolter, the tracks need to be finished and weathered, and I may add rust drips and weathering to the tank proper; have to decide if I want to grind up pigments or not.


Since the white balance on my camera is finicky and wont allow manual I took a color comparison picture with the model I did my original color test before I decided to reset my Army. Also in this frame is the blu-tacked "stormbolter" which will in fact be a techmarine with a stormbolter.


I also decided to add a mostly completed Razorback, Im displeased with its finish so it will get repainted eventually, but add tracks and it'll continue as is until I figure out a way to do vehicles I'm happy with. It has some positives I will continue to carry over, I finially got it to color match infantry models, but there are deep shadows where I overmasked and exacto cuts from masking :D


And finally this model has been finished for awhile and I posted it elsewhere but multiple shots of my Astorath, unbased for now as I dont see playing him in the future...it was just a cool model that needed to be NOT red. I also see Astorath and his twin brother Mephiston as being blonde.gallery_53780_6286_73531.jpg


CC always welcome.

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Thank you, and I am legion.

But I may have made an oops by adding weathering to it: it now has a guaranteed repaint in about a year or so. But I also promised myself it would get painted in less than a month...in 2004.

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But I also promised myself it would get painted in less than a month...in 2004.

I know how that is, i started a 10 man kill team in 2007, just got it finished last month...


Man i forgotten about the old vindy model. I hate to admit it, but as soon as I could get an alternative to it, i bought it, Forgeworld loved me that day.

Now I see it and think... damn i miss that look.


Your stuff looks good. Keep up the good work.

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I hate the kits because they always need to be fixed but I love the old pattern SM tanks, I have another vindi upgrade new in blister I'll be putting together soon. I also found a little treasure trove in storage I'll post pics of tonight.
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So while looking for my extra dreaddie I found a treat

I added my old Moriar to make a gang


you have to love a model that can double as a real CCW. Remember when this guy was legal.gallery_53780_6286_850309.jpg

and because ima super nerd a high five for awesome pewter dreaddies


it took almost an eintire pack of blue tack to get heseguys to stand upright!

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Hit a little painters block his week, pls some projects around the house needed doing. today I finally sat down and got to work.

I bought the Seth model at the launch of the new codex. partially because I love the chunky look the model has with his tiny fat feet. My plan was to make my then all JP Army BA, and do a FT army as mech. But as i built and played lists I was pretty disillusioned with jump packs and made my BA force Mech. So today Seth finally got a look.

I primed him with gray gesso, I bought it awhile ago and thought I'd try it on this model because of the amount of fine detail. It goes on thick and tends to tighten around the model as it dries. the detail came out well but the gesso solidified below the codpiece and between the greaves, but obscured no other details. I based him dark flesh with a liberal red gore coat over the top. I had forgotten how very pink red gore looks like next to terra cota. I washed him in a dark umber which made a rich maroon I like for the model. Here's where he is at now: gallery_53780_6286_30818.jpg

The only other thing I did recently was add a Librarium style skull to my AoBR to Furioso Libby, which is a little sub par but its been a long time since I used GS so Im happy with it:gallery_53780_6286_545637.jpg

Still looking for the right objects to add to the left side of the dread I was thinking a book or a BA symbol but I havent landed on an idea I like yet.gallery_53780_6286_713655.jpg

CC is alwa welcome, especially on Seth as I have never done FT before. I may paint a segment of my force FT to represent a joint ask force rather than a reinforced 8th Co like I was planning.

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I've been messing around with the Gabriel Seth Model, it is now donw except for writing on the chainsword. This models wieght has been a bit of an issue, its pinned all the way through the base and still isnt a great fit. I dropped him right after dullcoatinf and agains while repinnning, I may try my first finecast model if he continues to be an issue, or I may embed his feet in a water effect to stabilize him. I made the base using a primordial jungle theme


Im actually quite pleased with the model itself I hope Im not alone.


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Nice work all around. I really like the red you have going on Seth. Its very rich. The army looks good. I would like to see closer shots so the details can be seen easier. Cool base. Nice Vindi.
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@seva I'll try to fill the frame but as it is the model is very close to the camera, in some shots touching. I may invest in a better camera later this year.


@Celeritas thank you and for Astorath and Mephiston it bothers me a great deal that the HEADS of the librarium and recluisium don't bother to wear the colors that identify the branches they lead. I have yet to figure out a way to make Mephiston blue. Which is why my Mephiston is still white metal after a decade.

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  • 1 month later...

No real progress on my SM stuff lately. Been messing with some Eldar and finally throwing paint at my wild host. I did work up a sort of fun fluffy force based on the timeline in the new codex. I figured when the call went out the even chapters tha responded in full strength wouldn't arrive l at once. So I put together an idea of using Seth and a number of his boys with a large share of the 8th Co augmented by some Angels Sanguine, 1st Co (BA), a significant portion of the BA motorpool, dreaddies, oh yeah and Moriar (how exactly is he not still a special character?)

It all shakes out to about 8k in points and I laid it out on Sunday. I have it all it just needs paint.


I originally had put thought to adding a few squads of AS TSM, but I almost felt like a Task force designed by Dante for Seth would be all out assault.


Let me know what you think.

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