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What is a Land Raider Godhammer?


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The 40k wikia supports the "It's a Phobos, the lascannons are the only 'Godhammer' thing", citation.


However, note the complete lack of the word "Phobos" on the Lexicanum LR page, citation.


Here's the Phobos page on the Lexicanum, citation. It's not a Land Raider here.


I'm guessing it was referred to as a Phobos Pattern in an IA book or White Dwarf? (Would be funny if the vanilla marine dex calls it Phobos; I don't recall that being the case.) Maybe one of the novels? Where is it called "Phobos"? ^_^

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There's a GW poster that has the name Phobos on it. They have it hung up at the GW in The Hague. Also, Marshal Wilhelm just got a scan of a page from someone that has the name on it.

Given that our goal here (or at least my goal) is "once and for all", forgive me for the following vernacular rebuttle:


Screen shot or it didn't happen.

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Yes, it was. I was the one who posted a partial pic of the page in question from Index Astartes showing the basic Land Raider labeled a "Phobos pattern". It is also referred to the same way in Imperial Armour volume 2.
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Phobos is the planet/Moon the STC was recovered on for the Land Raider hull. The original was only the Godhammer pattern Lascannons side sponsons, thusly it was referred to as both. Later, as we all know, the Black Templars discovered/invented (not sure exactly which it was) the Crusader variant.

It's kinda like how the Blood Angels got the Baal Predator, and it's name. Baal is the planet of origin of the STC to make the Lucifer pattern engines. Or the Dark Angel Tech-marine in the campaign on Ares, the modified the Phobos Landraider to the twin linked Heavy Flamer sponsons and Demolisher cannon. Ares was the planet, thusly it's name, Land Raider Ares.

The Imperium as a whole puts emphasis on the planet the tech comes from or discovered in it's naming of vehicles. At least with Astartes.

Side note, the Predator Annihilator, and Predator Destructors are not named after planets of origin. As far as I remember.

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Dswanick, you've done it! You've blown this whole thing wide open! The truth is now known!


Now let us unite and officially call them Godhammer pattern LRs for eternity...as Phobos is a dumb name.

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It was Techno-Archeologist Arkhan Land who rediscovered them at the very dawn of the Imperium during an STC hunting expedition to Mars into the Libraries Omnis. A Dataslab image of this main battletank was discovered and the forgeworld of Anvilus 9 was founded exclusively to produce them en masse. During the heresy, because these tanks were capable of destroying Titans, the Emperor decreed any remaining tanks of this type be recalled and turned over to Space Marines to be used exclusivley by his elite in defense of Terra due to Anvilus 9 siding with Horus. After the Emperor's ascendancy to the Golden Throne, no one challenged his original decree and the Land's Raider was forevermore only available to Space Marines.


~So it is written, however, no reference is given to the name 'raider' used in the name of this tank. Perhaps it the raid upon the datastacks of the Libraies Omnis by Arkhan that this came into being.


The Phobos pattern name being used in an official GW publication is one of those things that is unfortunately not well integrated with previously or since written 40k history. But further research into the Phobos name reveals that it is a M32 'Cyclops' class MkV Land's Raider, not an original version, but with a Warhound and Reaver Titan 'sentient' style Machine Spirit. Models of the Land's Raider subsequently manufactured used 'lesser' versions of the 'machine spirit' that were not sentient, yet retain the Phobos name.


The Godhammer name refers to the Twin-Linked Astartes pattern Lascannon barrel design wich needs replacement every 2,000 firings.


~So it is written. However, it is likely, but unknown, whether the Phobos machine spirit patterned after the Warhound and Reaver Titans used in the Land's Raider was responsible for its name or if it was the armament variant, because the Cyclops class it is based upon is nearly uniquely referenced and the exact armament variant of the MkV Land's Raider existed far before the Phobos machine spirit variant was in service, obviously without the Godhammer Astarte pattern Lascannons, however.

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Dswanick, you've done it! You've blown this whole thing wide open! The truth is now known!


Now let us unite and officially call them Godhammer pattern LRs for eternity...as Phobos is a dumb name.


We can't do anything officially. We are just the people who fund the operation :P


It is a Phobos brother, to say otherwise is like arguing that Vanguard are as good as Hammernators. ^_^


am i the only one who thinks godhammer just sounds insanely awesome? :)


It certainly does. That is why they called the guns God Hammer, because it sounds so cool ;)

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Hahhahaha! Let's not start punching holes in the continuity of fluff! It's on it's last leg as is!

I'm with you but, frankly, I don't know how long we can Ward off it's demise.




See what I did there?


Dswanick, you've done it! You've blown this whole thing wide open! The truth is now known!


Now let us unite and officially call them Godhammer pattern LRs for eternity...as Phobos is a dumb name.


We can't do anything officially. We are just the people who fund the operation ;)

I lol'd pretty hard at that. Thank you.


It is a Phobos brother, to say otherwise is like arguing that Vanguard are as good as Hammernators. :P


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