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I'm having to buy a whole new paint collection for my Ultras. I'm not a great painter, particularly when it comes to details and shading. I was thinking of using the new washes after seing how much they improved my friends painting (who is about the same level as me.


What washes would be suggested for painting over 2nd Company Ultramarines (with the current black bolters and gold shoulder trim, instead of classic red and yellow)?


Would the black be suitable for painting over the armour?


On scouts I was thinking Asurman Blue for the legs and Gryphonne Sepia for the skin.

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Badab Black is awesome; great for recesses on almost any model I can think of. I'd use whatever dark to mid blue wash(es) GW has if you want to tone down your armor's brightness though. Ultramarine blue right out of the pot is pretty much the color you want for Ultras; I wouldn't uniformly darken it, but that's just me.
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Depends on what you're going for gold wise. If you want a dark gold go with Devlan mud for a light gold go with Sepia.


Badab black would work for armor. Just be sure when you highlight keep out of the recesses.


Skin: Ogryn Flesh works for a lighter younger skin tone but for leathery skin watered down Sepia.



As for what you are doing with the blue... Would that be for the non-armored parts?

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I'm no great painter, but washes have improved the look of my models immensely, so the advice I am giving is for the bottom end painter, not the Golden Demon winners!


I have found that if you want some gentle shading, to create light/shade effects, then you want to use the appropriate wash, so yes, for blue use Asurmen blue, etc., but if you want bold definition, use the black.


Devlan Mud will give a barely perceptible change, which is great for subtlety. I do a wash of that on pretty much everything, just for some texture.

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