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mounted lord


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So I have the slaaneshi lord from wfb, the one riding the snake seeker thing. I was thinking of chopping him up and attaching everything so it looks like his legs were replaced by the tail. I could always run him as a daemon prince, but I'm intrigued by the mount. Anyone ever used it?
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the problem with the mount (in my opinion anyway) is that there are no cavalry type units to run him with. He'll usually end up on his own or unable to get the bonus of the mounts movement.
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Hmm, this is leaning the way I thought it would. I had thought of the movement issue, but was figuring on a counter charge or pressure unit. Do all the mounts go this way, good concepts but fall just short?
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Pretty much.


Slaanesh - no other cavalry.


Tzeentch - have to run with Raptors, who aren't worth it.


Khorne - Stuck as infantry but can't ride in a vehicle.


Nurgle - +1 wound but can still be ID'd.


Nice ideas but falling short...way short in most cases. :huh:

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