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Tower of Skulls and Doomblaster

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Many years ago, when I first started dabbling in casting resin, I made a conversion kit that could transformed a Baneblade chassis into either a Doomblaster or a Tower of Skulls. After making a dozen or so of these demon engines the molds eventually wore out and the masters were packed away possibly to never see the light of day again. But Khorne does not let such beasts of war rest for long….






For details you can see the whole story here: http://www.warseer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=179236


Late last year I was approached by Adepticon to make some terrain pieces for a few of their gaming boards. They had interest in some Chaos pieces and I dug out those old masters and made up a Skull Tower for them to use as bastions during their event. However, the design was old and so I made a number of improvements to the piece not only to make it look better but to ease the assembly process.




In the end I cast up fifteen of these horrors until once again the molds and master were put away to be forgotten, but that would not be for long….


A few months ago I was asked by a local gaming group to resurrect the old Tower of Skulls and Doomblaster as they each wanted one. At first I just planned to redo the molds of the old masters but in the end I decided that if I was going to do this project I was going to do right. And so, here is where we begin.


First up is the front plate at the head of the tank. The original was a plain piece that later received a separate skull that, upon later reflection, looked like a bunny rabbit (and not even a cool bunny rabbit like the one from Monty Python’s The Holy Grail). This needed to be changed so I set about sculpting a new one with a more fearsome appearance:




The sponsons were also in need of rework as the old design didn’t quite stand out enough and lacked the feel of Chaos, i.e. spiky bits. Well not any more:








Most of the updated work on the tower portion had already been done but I wanted a larger caliber gatling gun in each of the mouths of the skulls.




Here it is from the front:




Lastly there is the engine block. I had planned on just using the piece that comes with the Baneblade but thought better of myself. I had gone this far, why not a step further? I had this idea of the engine being powered by the souls of the vanquished with some sort of grisly way in which they would be fed to the machine. I first thought of doing something mechanical but I decided on using an organic element instead to show this was a living engine of war.




So now all the molds are made and it’s just a matter of casting all the parts. As always, more to come….

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And here is the Tower of Skulls in all it's skull taking glory:



















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I love it. I remember enquiring about the prices for these some time ago but ended up backing out because of financial restrictions. Hopefully I'll have some cash ready next time you get these guys up for sale again :(
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As a graduate in a 3D props/set design I can only be absolutley stunned by this marvelous piece of work. Is this kind of thing a hobby or a proffession for you? Has GW taken notice?
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Hi, Amazing stuff again, i love your custom resin stuff, its very well done. Your take on these models is very well done. Im also a model/prop maker/engineer as my day job and the quality you achieve is mind blowing. Im so impressed that i'm going to buy some of your spikey tracks from Ebay next month, they should look amazing on the 2 Forgeworld Chaos Landraiders i have planned. As ever, you continue to inspire.
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As a graduate in a 3D props/set design I can only be absolutley stunned by this marvelous piece of work. Is this kind of thing a hobby or a proffession for you? Has GW taken notice?



Hi, Amazing stuff again, i love your custom resin stuff, its very well done. Your take on these models is very well done. Im also a model/prop maker/engineer as my day job and the quality you achieve is mind blowing. Im so impressed that i'm going to buy some of your spikey tracks from Ebay next month, they should look amazing on the 2 Forgeworld Chaos Landraiders i have planned. As ever, you continue to inspire.


Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments- especially from people who do this for a living :)


While this isn't my day job (I'm an automotive engineer then) but it has become a bit of a profession as I now make and sell a number of tank add-ons and accessories through an eBay store. As of now GW, hasn't taken notice and the longer they don't the better ^_^


The Oppressor Pattern 0s will look great on your Chaos Land Raiders.

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As a graduate in a 3D props/set design I can only be absolutley stunned by this marvelous piece of work. Is this kind of thing a hobby or a proffession for you? Has GW taken notice?



Hi, Amazing stuff again, i love your custom resin stuff, its very well done. Your take on these models is very well done. Im also a model/prop maker/engineer as my day job and the quality you achieve is mind blowing. Im so impressed that i'm going to buy some of your spikey tracks from Ebay next month, they should look amazing on the 2 Forgeworld Chaos Landraiders i have planned. As ever, you continue to inspire.


Thanks guys, I appreciate the comments- especially from people who do this for a living :P


While this isn't my day job (I'm an automotive engineer then) but it has become a bit of a profession as I now make and sell a number of tank add-ons and accessories through an eBay store. As of now GW, hasn't taken notice and the longer they don't the better ;)


The Oppressor Pattern 0s will look great on your Chaos Land Raiders.

I have used the Oppressor Pattern 0s on my World Eaters Land Raider. I am currently outfitting all my Flesh Tearer rhinos with Oppressor Pattern 00 tracks and my Flesh Tearer Land Raider has Pattern 0. These tracks are really spiky. The ones on my WE LR have actually drawn blood.... :)

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Well I finally got the Doomblaster assembled with the new pieces. I think it would make Khorne proud:














This beast along with it's Tower of Skulls brother are now up for auction at my eBay store.

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Stunning. Long may you continue with work of this calibre, brother. It's stuff like this that tempts me to make ill advised expenditures. :)
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