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Iron Warriors query.


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Hello everyone, hopefully you guys can be of some help or kill this thread quickly.


I was wondering what, if any, historical/cultural connection the Iron Warriors have. I know that Perturabo has dark skin, hair, and eyes(?). But how dark are we talking? Latino dark, or tan white person? Or am I looking too deep into this like a spaz and their link is purely to technology?

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I don't know that there is a specific mention of skin colour for IW. My (very few) helmetless Iron Warrors are painted "tanned white male", but that's just how I paint all helmetless Space Marines.
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In 30,000 years, who knows what the human race will look like? One of the popular notions is a sort of medium tan as all the various ethnicities interbreed.


Their home planet is Olympia, which suggests Greek. Perturabo's name is a pun on perdurabo which means "I will endure" in Latin.


The naming of individual Iron Warriors doesn't suggest any particular extant earth culture.


When Perturabo was described as dark, I took it to be more in terms of his mien, not necessarily his physical appearance.

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Perdurabo was also Aleister Crowley's "magical name". The whole thing about "enduring to the end" fits with Iron Warriors by itself, but the occult connection is cool too.


As far as skin color goes, I imagine that the environments of a million different worlds over 38,000 thousand years has developed ethnic groups far beyond the current level of diversity. 41st Millennium concepts of race and ethnicity would probably look nothing like those of today. Given the different environments, why even limit skin color to what is currently expressed? Imagine a world where Vitiligo had become the norm, for instance.

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Yeah, "Frater Perdurabo". I don't know if the occult connection was written for the Legion from the get go, but I like how complicated the Legion's relationship to Chaos and the Warp is. In my younger days, I had them chalked up simply as against the Imperium, but not for Chaos.


In some ways, it reminds me of the character John Constantine and his attitudes towards faith.

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As far as skin color, if I remember correctly the Melanochrome implant can alter skin color beyond whatever was originally there, so I wouldn't spend much time looking at that.


As for ancient history references, I can't say that I've heard or seen anything definitive.

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Exactly. The Iron Warriors are how references should be done in 40k. There are some links, but not the usual "haha! We'll call them the Attilans, and make everything about them resemble Huns and Mongols! Genius!"


Agreed. There is taking inspiration from a people and then there is copy/paste/name change. Oddly enough, the IW's great rivals the Imperial Fists feel like they're treated the same way, with elements from certain peoples but nothing so blatant or obvious.

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