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Battle Missions Kill Teams

S Knabe

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How do I interperate the Force Organization chart on page 90 of Battle Missions? Do I choose units and forced to take squads and required to take at least the minimum squad size, or are you allowed to pick and choose the number on personel without minimum size requirements as long as you do not have more than one elite type, 2 troop types, and one heavy type? Otherwise everything else is clear, but I can't finalize my list until I understand what the rules for the Force Organization chart intend.
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You have to choose the units from that rather small list of FOC slots. That also means they must be of minimum size- so atleast five men in a tactical squad, and ten before they get a missile launcher... wich is still free.
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I have to agree, use the old rules with a few new ones. The 200 points is a little bit better, taking three USRs, and the every man rule add some spice to it all. I think I will offer this compromise to my group. As far as my list, I think I will post that to the Army List section soon.
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