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Quick answer: No, it's against the rules.


Elucidation: If it's not current edition, it's outside of the rules and thus illegal. Using it is only possible under house rules. I wouldn't personally allow it, as it's more appropriate to simply count-as a modern character or normal HQ geared out appropriately as the character in question. If the character in question has abilities that you can't duplicate, you gotta suck it up. <3 Or find an opponent who will let it slide.


EDIT: Unless you mean a codex that's not yet updated, like Necrons or Witch Hunters...those are fine. But if you mean "I have a codex for my army that was released more recently than the codex with the character I want in it" then see my previous answer.

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I'd let someone use a sequined and beribboned antique turkey if I thought it might lead to an interesting encounter - but then my ex looks like a furry, tusked, cartoon character so in this case my advice may not be the sensible choice.


But really, it's something to take up with the people you play with because.. "Well the InterWebz said yes" is rarely a cogent argument.


Also, there can be a number of factors like which Edition/Codex historically, comparison with any similar characters and whether or not you might be taking the Micheal.

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Cheers for the Imput.. just testing the water....

Ok, well with that established- yes, if there isnt a more recent version of the character, I would in most cases be ok with that. Probly not all the time, but its fun to throw something in thats 'new' now and again.


The only exception to this is the 3.5 chaos codex, wich is a person would prefer to play that version than the 4.0 Im fine with that- and they use the SCs from it, not the new ones.


I myself have an old eldar SC, Nuadhu Fireheart, that I rarely used in the days it was legal and will sometimes ask to trot out for a bit of fun and to keep the dust off *as theres nothing even close to it in the new codex*.

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I myself have an old eldar SC, Nuadhu Fireheart, that I rarely used in the days it was legal and will sometimes ask to trot out for a bit of fun and to keep the dust off *as theres nothing even close to it in the new codex*.


Snap on that one... Also Shas'Aun'shi...

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The guys I play with play with mostly 5th and a few 4th ed rules when they forget or when its more fun. Of course, I play with a Black Templars player and a guy that plays Traiter guard/Demons out of the Eye of Terror Codex.


Talk it over with your guys, most of them are willing to try things at least once. :P Worst it can do is result in a single bad game.

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