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Hexenes' Dark Angels


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Sooo... I have been a member of the B&C for a couple of years now, largely lurking, occasionally posting, and constantly gleaning tips and inspiration from innumerable other members. So, I figured it was time to share what I've been working on over the last several months to a year.

What we have here is the humble beginnings ( or re-beginnings) of my Dark Angels army composed entirely of Rogue Trader and 2nd Edition era models. I got into 40K way back at the beginning of 2nd edition, took a loooong break with the release of 3rd, and got back into it (at least modeling and painting-wise) with 4th. This, honestly, is the most models I've ever had painted up as a coherent force. Not looking to win any painting competitions, but they look good at arm's length. Much more to come (slowly but surely), so without further ado...

Tactical Squad 1


Tactical Squad 2


Rhino - Right now the Tac boys are sharing a ride, until I get my old Epicast resin drop pod painted.



Devastators - Those of you who have been around awhile, or are steeped in "model lore", will notice the two old Conversion Beamers, which I think make pretty fair proxies for Plasma Cannons.






Captain - One of my most favorite-est captain models ever.


Did these mostly just for fun. Kind of a nod to the old black armored Dark Angels.



Captain - Also one of my favorite-est captain models ever.


And waiting in the wings... (Pun intended)


Thanks for looking!! Comments and constructive criticism welcomed, of course.

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Those sir are brilliant.


Great for nostalgia, did you have all those models or recently buy them? Great collection either way.


As for C&C, I'd just base them all the same to create a sort of army coherency, If I were you though I'd do what made me happy and not listen too much to others :cuss

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Absolutely love the old models. Love the terminators and the tactical guy with the eagle shoulder pad. Im repainting my old 2nd and 3rd edition army into imperial fists. Something nice about the old stuff seeing table time again


Wish I had some RT guys though. Great looking army

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I never felt the pull of nostalgia past 2nd edition before (Jes Goodwin edition as I like to think of it), but these are so cool. You have put love into models that I mostly hate and made me love them too.


Congratulation, you win one internet.

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How have I missed this!! Excellent crisp clean painting that does these models wonders – why you've even made the old Rhino look good ;). An excellent collection Hexenes.


And the RW: I can't wait.




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Thanks everyone for the kind words! I'm blushing!! :lol:

Stobz -

did you have all those models or recently buy them?

Yes I already had most of these models from back in '94-'95. I got the Devs off Ebay a few months ago for a song (Before all the old RT stuff went through the roof!).

As for C&C, I'd just base them all the same to create a sort of army coherency

Yeah. I did the black ones with the grey bases before the rest, before I decided on the dirt/grass bases. I was kinda toying with the idea of doing up some more as kind of "Urban Assault Dark Angels". Who knows what the future holds?

Here's a few more closeup pics of some Deathwing.

Lemme tell you, these old metal terminators were a bear to paint. Lots of armor plates and such. I was glad to be done with them. (And Dang! I just noticed a nick on the base of one of 'em. Curses!)


The Deathwing Sergeant is a kitbash that turned out pretty well, I think.

The body is from the old Inquisitor in Terminator armor. I got him secondhand years ago (along with a boatload of other goodies!) from a buddy who was getting out of the hobby. He had hacked the head off and filed off the =][= symbols.

The new head is from a current Tactical Squad sprue. Sword arm and gun arm are from the current Assault Squad sprue, as are the shoulder pads. I know a lot of folks are not fans of PA pads on Termies, but I think scalewise they work well.

Storm Bolter is just two Bolters from the beaky box, filed down on joining sides and glued together, with greenstuff to fill the gaps. Always loved the oversized weapons in some of the old artwork! Feathers are greenstuff as well.

The transfers came from the same guy from whom I got the Inquisitor body many moons ago. Old DA transfers from way back in the day. I will cry when I run out of them as there are only a few left!




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That pair of terminators up there look so goofy :lol:


Don't get me wrong, the painting is very well done, but the models just look so much less intimidating than today's terminators.


Very nice job on everything here though, excellent painting and conversions.

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Ah, the awesomness that is old models! You've really brought them justice my friend! I can't even harbour some ill kept contempt for them being Dark Angels when I myself play Space Wolf - they're just that cool. :D


Awesome old models, great, clean paintjob with old school red bolters! I'll keep my eyes on this thread if you don't mind good sir?

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