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Thinking of starting Chaos


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First off let me say I haven't played 40k for very long at all so i'm still pretty new to the whole thing.


So with that being said here it goes,


I currently play ultramarines, but am thinking of starting up a Chaos army, I'm not very familiar with them, so I do plan to pick up a codex later this week, so I can make a better decision, especially before I decide to completely burn my bf's Space Wolf soul by playing chaos, as he likes to say.


But anyway,

Does anyone have any suggestion or helpful tips in starting a Chaos army? What would be good to start with?

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Right now FMPT you'll probably be a bit disappointed with a chaos marine army. Compared to your UM they're going to be sorely lacking in most choices. We really only have one competitive army list currently. But on the other hand we have alot of cool fluff/stories behind our legions/warbands and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise. Look through some of these by Brother Nihm. They're really helpful for someone just beginning a chaotic force or thinking about it. ;)






Ultimately if you're only looking for an army to stomp your bf's Space puppies, then chaos probably isn't the best for you at the moment. :D

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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.

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Right now FMPT you'll probably be a bit disappointed with a chaos marine army. Compared to your UM they're going to be sorely lacking in most choices. We really only have one competitive army list currently. But on the other hand we have alot of cool fluff/stories behind our legions/warbands and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise. Look through some of these by Brother Nihm. They're really helpful for someone just beginning a chaotic force or thinking about it. ;)






Ultimately if you're only looking for an army to stomp your bf's Space puppies, then chaos probably isn't the best for you at the moment. :P


I don't necessarily want to "Stomp" him, I just wanted a 2nd army (that's not gonna be the same as my UM, but not to grossly different at the same time) and I don't really see a point in doing a SW army when he already has one. Chaos was about the only other choice that sparked some of my interest. The only reason he says me playing chaos would 'burn his soul' is cause they're the fallen marine, and he's a loyalist ;)


But thank you for the links i'll be sure to check them out.

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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.


We will be getting a new chaos chaos codex... What it will be called makes little difference... What matters is the content and I for one doubt it will be worse than the current one but will it be a good one that will stand the test of time? We will have to wait my friend.





I say read the fluff and pick a force based on that (if you really want to go with chaos), based on strength I would say daemon princes (with wings), khorne berserkers & plague marines would be the first units to look at!

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I'm not a big fan of the fluff, but I have looked at the Plague marines and had considered them as one of my starting units, soon as I get my codex i'll look into the daemon princes and khorne beserkers as well, and even the plague marines a little more.

Thanks for the advice

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Beyond whats already been suggested I would also look into Obliterators. Pound for pound there the best Heavy unit we have but unfortunately there also a little pricey ($22.25 a pop and u definitely want atleast 2 squads of 3). Usually, most people proxy modded terminators.
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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.



With so many of them starting I don't see why not ADB. Why do you have some insight here that you're not telling us? ^_^

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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.


Now that you've said that, everyone's going to assume you're in the know. :P

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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.



With so many of them starting I don't see why not ADB. Why do you have some insight here that you're not telling us? :huh:


If I did, I couldn't say, anyway. But that's not what I'm saying. I just reckon it's a bold hope to go from "we're due a new codex, since we're also due a new edition", which is a claim that's supported and likely, to "we're getting a book called Codex: Chaos Legions soon". Those two sentences feature some key differences.

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And there's nothing so far from what I've heard that has actually outright promised that it absolutely HAS to be "better" than the Codex we have now :P


Now what the odds that it would hopefully be better playtested and filled with more fluff to inspire people to greater creations is anyone's guess really. But myself I hope they are good at least. Then again look what happened last time :huh:



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And there's nothing so far from what I've heard that has actually outright promised that it absolutely HAS to be "better" than the Codex we have now ;)


Now what the odds that it would hopefully be better playtested and filled with more fluff to inspire people to greater creations is anyone's guess really. But myself I hope they are good at least. Then again look what happened last time :D




But GW need to make chaos over powered... the lack of good bad guys in a universe of bad guys is pretty lame... and chaos are the best bad guys... Sure space hooligans (Orks), giant space locusts and soulless machines from the dawn of time that want to nom your soul are scary... None of them however have the same combination of character and malice that the chaos has.

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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.



With so many of them starting I don't see why not ADB. Why do you have some insight here that you're not telling us? :)


If I did, I couldn't say, anyway. But that's not what I'm saying. I just reckon it's a bold hope to go from "we're due a new codex, since we're also due a new edition", which is a claim that's supported and likely, to "we're getting a book called Codex: Chaos Legions soon". Those two sentences feature some key differences.


Alright maybe my first statement was a little too bold. We hope to be getting a new codex soon, and the rumor is it's a legion codex. But this is getting OT. We're trying to help someone interested in starting chaos decide if they want to or not.

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Right now FMPT you'll probably be a bit disappointed with a chaos marine army. Compared to your UM they're going to be sorely lacking in most choices. We really only have one competitive army list currently. But on the other hand we have alot of cool fluff/stories behind our legions/warbands and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise. Look through some of these by Brother Nihm. They're really helpful for someone just beginning a chaotic force or thinking about it. :wallbash:






Ultimately if you're only looking for an army to stomp your bf's Space puppies, then chaos probably isn't the best for you at the moment. :huh:


I don't necessarily want to "Stomp" him, I just wanted a 2nd army (that's not gonna be the same as my UM, but not to grossly different at the same time) and I don't really see a point in doing a SW army when he already has one. Chaos was about the only other choice that sparked some of my interest. The only reason he says me playing chaos would 'burn his soul' is cause they're the fallen marine, and he's a loyalist :verymad:


But thank you for the links i'll be sure to check them out.


If you're interested in chaos for the fluff and modeling opportunities, or just interested in model opportunities in general, I can recommend nothing better than playing chaos. We have the best conversions, and the most interesting fluff to back them up.


However, if you want to play the game to win, it's not so good as the book is too simple, and lacking a bit in power. Your opponents will learn what to expect every game, because we only have a good unit or two in each slot, and our rules are not too competitive. They're not bad, but almost everything else has better options. Also, if you're interested in chaos as a departure from Vanilla marines, we disappointingly are lacking in that department for the time. We used to have wacky-fun advances (Chaos Gifts) that changed our characters and made up for the lack of technology in our list, but they removed that and didn't give us the technology we lack, so we've got nothing really.


That past bit said, our army is REALLY COOL. In the future we're wont to get a new list with cool new (or old) things, if grey knights got stuff from 2nd ed, it's not unlikely we'll see the return of 3.5 wargear and options. I've heard that our new equipment is supposed to be less loyalist with spikes, and more chaos itself. What this means is that I think you should put your idea of playing chaos on the shelf for next year or so, or just model things if that suits you, or if you're as slow a painter as A-D-B claims to be, start now (and you may be ready by the time the next book comes out).

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... and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise.


You're really taking that rumour to heart, I see.

From what I hear, It's 2012, so it's not that close. And what I hear is a "We'll be updating some older dexes" which could possibly either mean Chaos and/or Eldar, or possibly neither with the acknowlegement of a new Tau 'dex. At least one of my armies is getting a boost :wacko:

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If you're going to get into Chaos, get into the fluff first. There's so much of it and for the most part, it's better than loyalist fluff. You don't want to paint half an army of Iron Warriors before you realize that it's the Alpha Legion that really speaks to you.


Chaos is one of those armies you have to love. It just works out that way.


Certainly, there is a competitive Chaos build out there if you want to win. (It shouldn't be that hard to find. It's the only one.)

In non-competitive (i.e. non-tourney and against non-WAAC players) Chaos isn't that bad either. They're still Marines.

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Right now FMPT you'll probably be a bit disappointed with a chaos marine army. Compared to your UM they're going to be sorely lacking in most choices. We really only have one competitive army list currently. But on the other hand we have alot of cool fluff/stories behind our legions/warbands and not too far around the corner we'll be getting Codex: chaos legions which will hopefully make us more competitive tournament-wise. Look through some of these by Brother Nihm. They're really helpful for someone just beginning a chaotic force or thinking about it. :D






Ultimately if you're only looking for an army to stomp your bf's Space puppies, then chaos probably isn't the best for you at the moment. ;)


plagues do a great job at whipping AHEM "space puppies" (wow that hurt). that t5 is a hard thing to get over. and that FNP sucks too

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