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Models engaged at start of Assault Phase can still hit.


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So here's the scenario: two dreads and my Vanguard charge a unit of Ork Boyz. Vanguard has Furious Charge and they go first; my opponent pulls models out of base contact with my Dreads so they can't swing (or so he claims).


I swear that somewhere it says "models engaged at the start of the phase may still swing even" but it's not in the FAQ and I was unable to find it in the BRB. Possibly I am mistaken? I'm sure this came up before (more than once) here, but search fu has failed me.


So, can the Dreads swing? Or no?

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BRB, page 35, "Who can fight?", the last two paragraphs.


All engaged models can fight and make attacks that turn. Which models are considered engaged is determined at the beginning of the combat, and does not change when during this turn's combat models are removed as casualties.

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THERE it is. Thanks, Legatus.


Note that this was different in 4th Edition, where you could break Engagement by removing the right models. This was fixed with 5th Edition, but some folks still miss big changes like this, three years into the new edition.



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THERE it is. Thanks, Legatus.


Note that this was different in 4th Edition, where you could break Engagement by removing the right models. This was fixed with 5th Edition, but some folks still miss big changes like this, three years into the new edition.



Yep, it did in fact turn out to be a 4th Ed. throwback he was thinking of. :P

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This was something I was playing incorrectly with my Honour Guard. And playing it incorrectly hurt me, as I was losing a bucket load of attacks. In the end, it's a fairer system which prevents exploitation of the combat system and leads to better combats.
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