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Lootas all shooting from a Transport


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I've got an Ork codex somewhere, but wasn't able to find it. Here's the scenario:


Unit of Lootas able to get upwards of 20 shots in a single turn, all of them firing from a transport with front armor AV14. When I asked my opponent "Is that vehicle open topped?" he said "No, but they can still all shoot from it."


I allowed it, as frankly he was nit picky about a lot of rules that he clearly didn't understand (for instance, he tried to walk his boyz over a Rhino that was Immobile and Weaponless but not yet a Wreck); I was trying to avoid further confrontation with him. Nevertheless, I'd like to know how this worked (and if it was legal)?

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I assume it was a Battlewagon, and not some kind of Forgeworld or Apocalypse vehicle.


A Battlewagon usually counts as open-topped, but can get the "Ard Case" upgrade to make it a closed topped vehicle. Both the Battlewagon entry on page 55 of the Kodex Orks and the rules for the 'Ard Case on page 93 point out that the vehicle then has a certain number of fire points. In case of the Battlewagon, page 55 specifies that he has five fire points, two on each side and one to the rear. So he could have fired with two passengers at the most. Three if the unit he was firing at was standing at the rear-right or rear-left of the Battlewagon, so that passengers could have used the side fire points and the rear fire point.

That is, unless it was some kind of Apocalypse or Forgeworld vehicle with different special rules.

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Wasn't Forgeworld or IA I don't think (at least, he didn't say it was); I think it's more likely he was using all of the fire points illegally. If I play him again I'll bring it up.
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indeed, the ork battlewagon is open topped normally, so he would have to pay for the ard case upgrade, and then lose the ability to fire all guys from it and to also assault out of it after it moves.
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As the others state Ard case negates open topped but means...


1. Only 5 firepoints

2. Fire Pts are two each side and one in the back

3. D3 roll for shots means a max of 3 shots per ork=15 but make sure the rear facing access pt is not shooting 180 degrees facing the front.

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Yea, he was definitely shooting with all five Lootas each turn. It's a little frustrating to think back on because those Lootas were pivotal; had they been shooting as you describe here, I would have fared much better in that game. I suppose I can just pretend it was open-topped... ;)
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And Deffguns are Heavy so he better not have been moving too...(frustration from a fellow Ork)


He was in fact not moving the transport. <3

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