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Where to go for sprues and bitz?

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Ok, getting back into the hobby after like a 6 almost 7 year hiatus and I'm dumbfounded... GW doesn't do bitz orders anymore?!




I can't imagine buying entire box sets just for leg swaps and stuff like that, when buying a sprue that has the items you need on it was so much more cost effective.


Anyway, I would assume there are websites out there (other than ebay) where kits are disassembled into individual sprues and bitz and sold that way, doing the same thing as GW used to do with bitz orders.


Anyone have any websites they have used and any feedback on these places? Hoping for somewhere in the US because of shipping but would even consider UK.


I did a quick google search and came up with very little and was wanting to see if any of you guys had found a solution.

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First off: Ebay. It should be your last stop when searching for bitz as although you are likely to find what you're looking for it may be more expensive than ordering from a bitz site directly.


Second: There is one US bitz site that I can recall off the top of my head - Bitzbarn.


Hope this helps. ;)


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