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Milliput Question

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Lately I've been thinking about trying my hand at some scratch built models and I am trying to narrow down which flavor of milliput to use. I've searched the boards and found a lot of people suggestion milliput, but it usually sounds like it comes down to personal opinion as to which type to use.


Looking at the milliput website, it looks like the Yellow-Grey, Silver-Grey, or Superfine-White would work for minis. The super fine sounds like it smooths down really well, and dries hard. I would probably be leaning to this one unless I hear otherwise. The yellow-grey and silver-grey seem like they might be closer to greenstuff, but I can’t figure out what the difference is between the two.


I will like to try sculpting both hard surfaces (power armor?) and furry surfaces (thunderwolves?). Any additional help would be much appreciated.



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No flavour of Milliput is close to Green Stuff in terms of the way it handles or how hard it sets: all types of Milliput turn as hard as stone, whereas Green Stuff stays somewhat flexible.


Personally, I think the only good use for Milliput is to leave it in the shop for some other sucker to buy. The least bad Milliput, if you ask me, is the superfine white variety, but that has the problem that it is very hard to tell if you've mixed it properly because you'll be kneading together one bit of white and one bit of off-white putty … That, and it suffers from the typical Milliput problem of deteriorating due to being left on the shelf (unmixed, that is). If you are lucky enough to buy a packet of Milliput that was manufactured recently, it will probably handle just fine — but buy a packet that's been on the shop shelf for a few years, and you'll probably have such a hard time mixing it (especially the yellow-grey kind) that it'll be quicker to throw it in the bin and order other putty online :P


I much prefer Sylmasta A+B and Magic Sculp over Milliput, largely because they're much easier to work with. Even though my A+B is almost ten years old now (I don't use epoxy putty much :huh:), mixing it is still like kneading together pieces of fine, soft dough.

as somebody who uses yellow-grey miliput i disagree with the poster before me..


miliput is a totally different beast to greenstuff and that is where its strengths come from.. greenstuff is good for some work, miliput is better for others..


super sculpey firm is meant to be good for totally scratch building something as a master.. never used it myself but ive heard only good things.

To each his own, but my experiences with Milliput over the years have been more negative than positive, which is why I stopped using it after I came across Sylmasta A+B :D However, I think everyone should make up their own minds, so don't take my word (or anyone else's) about this subject as gospel.

I'm using the standard grey/yellow Milliput and I love it.

I've almost entirely given up on Greenstuff now.

It's great for sharp edges, it cures in a few hours, even faster in the oven (Not too hot though).

It can be sanded, drilled, cut when cured.

You can turn it into a paste if wet it enough which is great for filling gaps.

And it's dirt cheap!


Here's photos of my first attempts with Milliput.

(It looks dirty because I gave it a black wash to bring out the details better)



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