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New FAQs

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Go by the infinite height ruling for blast templates and buildings- both are hit, and the Stormwaven is hit at full strength since the template's hole is over the hull.
You can't place it there; it has to scatter there to be able to do that.
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Go by the infinite height ruling for blast templates and buildings- both are hit, and the Stormwaven is hit at full strength since the template's hole is over the hull.


Templates don't have holes; you're thinking of Blast Markers.


Edit: I noticed in one of them (the Grey Knights FAQ, I believe), that you can't fire a weapon with PotMS after using your Smoke Launchers. I'm pretty sure we had a long thread about that here in the OR, once upon a time, that ruled the opposite, so that is a significant change.



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Go by the infinite height ruling for blast templates and buildings- both are hit, and the Stormwaven is hit at full strength since the template's hole is over the hull.


Templates don't have holes; you're thinking of Blast Markers.


Edit: I noticed in one of them (the Grey Knights FAQ, I believe), that you can't fire a weapon with PotMS after using your Smoke Launchers. I'm pretty sure we had a long thread about that here in the OR, once upon a time, that ruled the opposite, so that is a significant change.



In his defense, I think the BRB actually does call them "Blast Templates"...you know, because they thought things weren't confusing enough with the move from 4th to 5th.

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Go by the infinite height ruling for blast templates and buildings- both are hit, and the Stormwaven is hit at full strength since the template's hole is over the hull.


Templates don't have holes; you're thinking of Blast Markers.


Edit: I noticed in one of them (the Grey Knights FAQ, I believe), that you can't fire a weapon with PotMS after using your Smoke Launchers. I'm pretty sure we had a long thread about that here in the OR, once upon a time, that ruled the opposite, so that is a significant change.




The smoke launchers and shooting with PotMS was ruled as illegal months ago in the other Space Marine Codices, they've only added it to the Grey Knights for completeness.

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Go by the infinite height ruling for blast templates and buildings- both are hit, and the Stormwaven is hit at full strength since the template's hole is over the hull.


Templates don't have holes; you're thinking of Blast Markers.


Edit: I noticed in one of them (the Grey Knights FAQ, I believe), that you can't fire a weapon with PotMS after using your Smoke Launchers. I'm pretty sure we had a long thread about that here in the OR, once upon a time, that ruled the opposite, so that is a significant change.




The smoke launchers and shooting with PotMS was ruled as illegal months ago in the other Space Marine Codices, they've only added it to the Grey Knights for completeness.


Ah, thanks. I missed that the first time around then.



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Q: Can a Painboy in a unit of Nobs take the ‘eavy armour, bosspole, Waaagh! Banner or ammo runt upgrades? (p98)

A: No.


I have been saying this for a while and it's good to see I was right. Still, FNP is pretty tasty even if he is stuck with a 6+ save.

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Go by the infinite height ruling for blast templates and buildings- both are hit, and the Stormwaven is hit at full strength since the template's hole is over the hull.


Cant seem to find your "infinite height ruling".

In fact, for ruins and buildings I saw the opposite - "effects one level only".


What am i missing ><; ?

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My biggest note was that the Ork's Waagh! now has to be declared at the start of the shooting phase, not just in it. Stops them from "testing the waters" with some shooting before throwing the Waaagh!


And stop them from Running and then calling the Waaagh! if the results were good. Sneaky, but that's how it was if you go by RAW.

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My biggest note was that the Ork's Waagh! now has to be declared at the start of the shooting phase, not just in it. Stops them from "testing the waters" with some shooting before throwing the Waaagh!


And stop them from Running and then calling the Waaagh! if the results were good. Sneaky, but that's how it was if you go by RAW.

I've never heard of that before; I've played against a good number of devoted Ork players, and not a one of them called their Waaagh post-running.

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That was already illegal, Waagh states that it must be made before run rolls. What the new FAQ prevents is I try shooting at vehicles with my Lootas to pop them, then if I am succesfull I Waagh and assault the guys that get out.
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Most people probably won't do it since it's basically abusing a rule that has changed between two editions of the game.


Calling the Waaagh! gives your units the Fleet USR. As we all know the Orks have a 4rd ed codex and back then there was no Run move and Fleet allowed you to move an extra D6 in the shooting phase instead of shooting and then launch an assault (which of course meant that the Orks had to call the Waaagh! first to be able to do that).


In 5th ed Fleet simply allows a unit to launch an assault even if they used a Run move in that turn (and it doesn't say that you must have the Fleet rule by the time you do the running, just that having it allows you to launch an assault). As such you could call the Waaagh! after the Run moves have been made and still get the benefit.


You probably won't see it much as it's not really "fair"... but some Ork players are sneaky grots or have started with the hobby later and don't know the Orks have a 4rd ed Codex and that the rule have changed, so it's a good thing they cleared it up.


That was already illegal, Waagh states that it must be made before run rolls. What the new FAQ prevents is I try shooting at vehicles with my Lootas to pop them, then if I am succesfull I Waagh and assault the guys that get out.


I don't have the old FAQ left (well there is paper version at my club), but it's not in the Codex (unless GW have made yet another printing of it). I know it's covered in the FAQ made for the Swedish gaming community (I believe it was more recent then the old Ork FAQ) and that usually don't cover things FAQ:ed by GW unless they disagree.

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