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Concept: Magnus

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So I play Daemons, and after a bit of a fear hiatus from the "Grey Knights OMG we are all gonna die" hype. I am looking to pick them back up (Everyone has issues with GKs right now, so who cares if Daemons do too). Now normally I should post this on the Daemons forum side but I come into the TS forums for advise and tips on a subject of great awareness to you all.


Magnus the Red


My Daemons list though not a mono-god list is a mono-god modeled army. Fleshhounds are just blued chaos hounds mutated to by Tzeentch. Crushers are Possesed TS's on eyeball daemons. Bloodletters are mutants with power weapons, etc...Recently I have been playing a Bloodthirster in my list and it just felt horribly out of place amidst all this Tzeentch stuff. Thus I have thought, though not a "prime" example of Magnus (as he would be much more bumm kicker then the Bloodthirster statline) he would atleast visually make a good stand in for a BloodThirster. Looking over several resources for Magnus images I am left with really only the one, I found on this forum actually. An old Golden Daemon entry from way back found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=117546




I see the orginal artist used a metal bloodthirster model to get this done but I want to take it to the next step. I'm thinking a Balrog base (http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat500006a&prodId=prod1080185) to start. Some of the armor pieces from the plastic Daemon Prince box, some shaving here, some greenstuff there, and then the need for feathery wings. All in all I think doable but I would like to get the TS communities opinon.


A. Is using Magnus with Bloodthirster stats just a huge injustice to the best primarch that ever lived?

B. Would you use Balrog as a model base to start with or is there another model out there that could do it better?

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There is a description of Magnus in the Liber Chaotica.


"In chambers of rainbow hued fire and water, there resided Magnus in all his maddening glory. His form shifted endlessly, like the castle around him, though his single eye remain a constant feature. But I could not linger there long, for the Cyclops' terrible eye saw me, though I was in myself little more than a dream, and he reached up his ever-warping hand to snatch me from the air."



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