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Lost and the Damned Reavers


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Howdy everyone.


I've been working on my LatD army for a few months now. They are Slaaneshi, and count-as Dark Eldar.

I've got Daemonettes for Wyches(converted ones for Bloodbrides), converted fantasy marauders for Wracks, traitor guardsmen and cultists as Warriors, and so on.

I've also got some really nice converted light vehicles that count as Raiders with shock prows - I'll be posting them in the gallery sooner or later.


I'm looking to add some counts-as Reavers to the list too add some faster elements and the aweome powers of Heat Lances. I can't seem to swing the conversions, though. Originally I was thinking of converting some tritor guard on bikes from Marine Scout Bikes, but I want 12 of them, and I am not willing to pay $15 plus tax for them when you can get regular Reavers for $34 for 3 of them. If anyone has some other ideas that might save me a little cash, I would really appreciate it.


All the best,



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Hi Tim,


This sounds very much like a non-PA army (e.g. using C: Dark Eldar) and unfortunately we do not allow such to be posted here on the B&C.


Maybe this would fit better on Warseer, Dakka, or simliar places?

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