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Before I get painting...fluff question


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Well, many Night Lords hate the Chaos Gods, and don't accept their powers, and certainly don't fight to further their goals. They have similar goals, but your average Night Lord doesn't go into battle muttering a prayer to the Gods, or dedicate their kills, or anything like that. By your exact same logic, the Ordo Malleus/Grey Knights are a Chaos faction, as they know the Chaos Gods exist, use their powers (daemon-weapons/hosts and sorcery, anyone?), and further awareness of the Gods by inducting more acolytes, initiates and followers into the truth.


I would venture that the "Puritan" Night Lords listed as your chosen army goes to my earlier point that "players themselves not wanting to play a Legion that prostrates itself before gods" (ref. post#16 )


I'm sure many Night Lords do actually hate the gods. I'm sure just as many Night Lords don't. It can't be proven one way or the other. Yours obviously don't accept any of the offers from the powers of Chaos. That's cool. Nothing in the fluff says you can't.


However, I think the Night Lords' distaste for faith isnt' just a matter of loathing the object of worship, but rather scorning those who would willingly throw themselves into the meat grinder for a poorly-defined ideal and the promise of a reward that never comes. The Night Lords had a lot of experience in this arena during the Great Crusade and consider their current derision as the result of a hard lesson learned.


That said, though, if a daemon approaches them with the promise of some service in exchange for something else, that's not worship. That's just business.


With regards to your comment about the Grey Knights and the Inquistion, you're completely right and that's why Chaos makes such a great adversary. "Chaos cannot be turned against itself." -Inquisitor Czevak :D

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