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Meet the Ghost Blades


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"Soon my pretties" spoke Malkazar as he surveyed the scene around him.

Covered with the bodies of marines, worshipers chaos and their machines

of war, the battleground was still smokeing. Spirits of the

restless dead floated around as far as the eye could see; if the eyes

coucld see into the Warp that is. Malkazar grinned, not since his recent

assention to daemonhood had he felt this good.


Malkazar gestured to his disciples, a pair of Aspiring Sorceres, Johan

and Detre, "Gather the armour of the fallen, tonight we raise an army

that will bring change to this solar system."


Soon the only 2 living beings on the field of war had gathered a good

sized pile armour and weapons.


"Now we raise the Dead"


The list......


DP MoT, Warptime 155


Dread w/ CCW + H. flamer 105


Dread w/ CCW + H. flamer 105


Thousand Sons 268

A.Sorc W/ Warptime & meltabomb, Icon + 6 marines, Rhino


Thousand Sons 268

A.Sorc W/ Warptime & meltabomb, Icon + 6 marines, Rhino


11 daemons 143


2 oblits 150


2 Defilers w/ xtra CCW 300


1494 pts


Pics will be coming soon, gotta wait for the sun to show back up. I hope to turn this into a blog.

I know the List is not super competative but i dont play super-competative people. Keep an eye open, Pics will be posted soon.

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Sounds pretty interesting. Its nice to see some Tzeentch fun going around. So are these figures gonna have a ghostly white look to 'em?

Maybe something like dans wraiths


Or maybe something like "The Cleaved" or "Deathmongers" from the codex CSM...

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as a matter of fact, they are a csm torso, zombie legs, arms and heads. then painted like a ghost (turquoise w/ a white drybrush) except the armour. im gonna try to make the armour look like its possessed by the ghosts. I hope to have some pics of a few of them tonight. thanks for looking.
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Just a thought but If you were to raise a whole army from the dead, do you think they would all keep their chestplates or have other bits instead. My point is instead of making it just a chestplate on each of them mix it up; give them a few legs, a few gauntlets/ a few helmets, etc. Not alot to a single one mini, just a few things here and there. Now THAT would make a sweet looking army.
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lol no not exactly. but i am not happy with the color scheem i picked out fo rthe armour. I like my turquoise & ghost areas but the green and silver armour isnt doing it for me. i think im goind to strip one and try orange and black armour. then post some pics and ask for some feedback. one lil question, will a bath in simple green ruin greenstuff?
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