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Dealing with Tyranids


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Hello B&C. I'm getting geared up for 'Ard Boyz and I'm having trouble dealing with Tyranids. Specifically the list I'm having issues with runs 5 monstrous creatures: Swarmlord, Hive Tyrant, Trygon, Mawloc and a Tervigon (the one the poops out Termagaunts, whatever its name is). I'm not necessarily looking for help against this exact list, just handling monstrous creatures in general.


Anyone have any tips or tricks for dealing with monstrous creatures while maintaining viability against MEQ's?

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Mephiston :D


Generally, youre going to have to soften them up first, before charging in to finish them off with powerfists. A 2xmelta, infernus pistol, powerfist unit of assault marines will generally do the job of taking 3-4 wounds from a MC, if you can get in a lascannon shot from elsewhere in that turn, then you have a dead bug. Librarians with unleash rage or chaplains will help out with this.


Alternatively, TH/SS termies.

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Krak Missiles.


Wounds on 2+, they get no armour save except on Armored Shelled Tyrants and Tyrannofexes (he can squeeze out a 5++ save if he fields Venomthropes - but they die easy&fast if you target them, in which case, Krak missiles apply to MCs once more :D)


A competitive SM army (regardless of Codex) should be able to down at least 1-2 MCs a turn.

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You have to hit it with high powered weapons, or alternatively, sniper shots/weight of fire.


In general you deal with MCs with all the anti-tank weaponry you bring in your list. As BA, you have movement on your side, so you should be able to charge around, multi-fire an MC to death, pick up and cruise your way to the other ones. The Mawloc is the hard one, with its burrowing and deep striking, but that's just a target of opportunity.

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Thunderhammer Termies are great for this!

Mephy too.


You need to be able to throw down a lot of long range high S, low AP firepower like everyone has said.


Tactics wise, i'd focus on the Swarmy and his crew or the Tervies. Taking out the tervies early means less annoying troops to deal with, and move damage to all surrounding gaunts.


Let the Mawloc/Trygon come. Draw him in, use your superior shooting to draw him closer, bait him with a unit, make him use that movement and that fleet move with the Trygon, so you can bring him out of Shadow in the Warp range and let mephiston take care of the rest. He can take on almost all the MCs by himself.


Don't ever go toe-toe with the swarmy though. Mephy loses that battle 9times out of 10.

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Whenever you fight 'nids remember missile launchers are your friend. A Vindicator is good as well for them big hordes and warriors. Can't remember the toughness of the guards that usually come with tyrants but a Vindicator will still put a lot of wounds on them even if it doesn’t insta-gib.
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Force weapons take them out quite easily. Although shadow of the warp can be nasty, but still possible.
It is possible, but Str 4 (normally) vs T6 aren't the best of odds.


Can't remember the toughness of the guards that usually come with tyrants but a Vindicator will still put a lot of wounds on them even if it doesn’t insta-gib.


So aim that Vindi at Shrikes/Warriors/Raveners/Gargoyles/Termagants/Hormagants/Stealers/Venomthropes instead. ;)

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