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Heresy Era Imperial Fists

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Well, I'm gonna have a stab at a Heresy Era IF army here soon, and I decided I need to peg down a yellow. My first effort didn't really work, so I tried another recipe involving Vermin Brown and Golden Yellow. I like it better, but thought it'd be nice to post up the second batch of test minis for feedback.







Sorry about the small pics. My phone's camera isn't the best. ^_^ I'll try to get better pictures if I decide to finish the minis. Right now I don't want to do any detailing unless I decide to keep the recipe.



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  • 3 weeks later...
thats possibly one of the nicest yellows ive seen for imperial fists

Sorry about the delay on replying. Thank you for the compliment! :) However, I'm sure that the picture helped me more than a little. These next ones were taken with an actual camera.


This thread is actually going to be the thread for my Early Heresy Imperial Fist force, so might as well start with some "army as it stands" shots.


First, my Mark IV tactical squad (under-strength at the moment, awaiting a special weapon and a suit of Mark V):


(this also gives you another look at the yellow, though I think I'll probably change it)


Next, a Mark 2 tactical squad (full squad, just needs a special weapon):


The guy holding his helmet is going to be painted with a head wound that matches the gash in the helmet.


A 7 man Mark 3 Sternguard:



Finally, my favorite, the incredibly fun to build Contemptor.




Once I decided to run the Contemptor as an Ironclad and not a Venerable, I knew that he had to be carrying a giant hammer. He's an oversized Terminator in every other respect, so might as well continue with the theme.


And the army so far:



At this point, everything is waiting on some brass for some Fist love. I know there's not much to critique at this point, but I was just excited after finishing my Contemptor. :P However, comments and criticism are welcome, as always.


Edit: Oh and here's the army list so you can see just how much more money I'm gonna have to dump on Forgeworld to finish this. ;)


{HQ}Pedro Kantor 175 points

{EL}Sternguard (7 men) 255 points

-Power Fist

-4x Combi-Melta


{EL}Sternguard (7 men) 255 points

-Power Fist

-Heavy Flamer

-2x Combi-Flamer


{EL}Ironclad Dreadnought 185 points

-Drop Pod

-Heavy Flamer

-Heavy Flamer

{TR}Tactical Squad 230 points

-Power Sword




{TR}Tactical Squad 245 points

-Power Fist




{TR}Tactical Squad 255 points

-Power Fist





{HS}Devastator Squad 230 points

-4x Missile Launchers

{HS}Whirlwind 85 points

{HS}Whirlwind 85 points

Total: 2000 points


I know the Whirlwind isn't necessarily a Heresy Era vehicle, but I've never ran one and I figure Space Marines must have had something like it. Thematically, they are in the list for bombarding defensive position and fortifications and create breaches for the squads mounted in Rhinos to attack and overrun. Meanwhile the Contemptor will be dropped inside the enemy's position to wreak havoc. :) Well, enough blabber.

Very nice yellow, but they look a little shiny? Are they varnished?


If it was me I would mix up the armour variants in the squads, but knowing how organised Fists are, they would probably have armour variants all the same in their squads lol


Look forward to seeing more :P

Very nice yellow, but they look a little shiny? Are they varnished?


If it was me I would mix up the armour variants in the squads, but knowing how organised Fists are, they would probably have armour variants all the same in their squads lol


Look forward to seeing more

Nope, no varish. Just a result of the light and my lack of a lightbox. And yeah, I figure Fists would keep it all separated. The only reason I'm going to start mixing in Mark 5 into the squads is because this is Early Heresy, so the Mark 5 has just hit the loyal legions.

Cool Comtemptor Ironclad conversion, good job! This gonna be one awesome army.


Keep going

Thanks! And I have a friend that is doing a Heresy Era Salamanders army, so we're meeting about twice a week to make sure we do at least some work. Hopefully that keeps me on track. :)

Very nice looking army.


Care to share the armour`s recipe? I love that shadowlining.

Sure! The marines were undercoated black, and than basecoated in Bestial Brown. That was left int he deepest recesses as I went back over with a 1:1 mix (I think) of Golden Yellow: Bestial Brown. From there I started introducing more Golden Yellow, working up to pure Golden Yellow for the major highlights, with Golden Yellow and Skull White being the final highlights.


I hope that gets you close. I'm not the best with recipes. :confused:


Thanks for the comments, guys! :)

I realized I must correct myself. I used Graveyard Earth, not Bestial Brown! D'oh! Replace all references to Bestial Brown with Graveyard Earth.


And here's some progress I was able to get done after work tonight. Not a lot, but I finished the base of the Contemptor and started the base coats. Rigth now all it has is a mix of Iyanden Darksun and Graveyard Earth (I changed my recipe).


I know it's not much, but I'm trying to stay motivated. ;) Sorry for the slightly blurry pic. My camera is out of battery power, and so I'm left with my phone. The base is going to be painted as a road, with the broken barrier and pole painted as stone.


Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

That is a very nice looking army Brother-Captain Sharp, I like the way you have mixed the armour variants especially as it fits well with the Fists being the ones who tried to 'salvage' as many suits as they could from Mars. Your colour schemeworks very very well, I am quite impressed with it. Regarding that FW army list your gonna build.... man I envy you - don't suppose you have any jobs going where you work? I could do with affording that kind of hardware for my army ;) :huh:

The yellow on the guys you have done looks great, though some closer detail shots would be nice. I'm interested to see how the dread turns out.


I have a question about the contemptor dread kit: are the CC arms ambidextrous? As in, does the single CC arm that you get from forgeworld work as both left and right arms?

Thanks for all the comments, guys!


That is a very nice looking army Brother-Captain Sharp, I like the way you have mixed the armour variants especially as it fits well with the Fists being the ones who tried to 'salvage' as many suits as they could from Mars. Your colour schemeworks very very well, I am quite impressed with it. Regarding that FW army list your gonna build.... man I envy you - don't suppose you have any jobs going where you work? I could do with affording that kind of hardware for my army tongue.gif msn-wink.gif

Thanks, Dorns padawan! I wanted to get a good mix of armor in there, as they are all cool in different ways. ;) Unfortunately no jobs. ;)

Can wait to see the comptemptor finished it looks very menacing at the early stages of painting. How are yo going to paint the helmet red whithwhite stripe (dont know if these markings are preheresy correct) ? Are you going for battle damage fx ?

Yes and yes! :) It seems to fit with pre-heresy, as demonstrated by the picture at Lexicanum. http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Imperial_Fists I don't usually do battle damage, so I'm using this as a chance to learn it.

Very nice stuff, especially the dreadnought close combat weapon. thumbsup.gif


You're off to a great start with the army.

Thanks, Doghouse. :) The hammer was a lot of fun to make, and even more fun to see if anyone could figure out the metal bit on it. ;)

The yellow on the guys you have done looks great, though some closer detail shots would be nice. I'm interested to see how the dread turns out.


I have a question about the contemptor dread kit: are the CC arms ambidextrous? As in, does the single CC arm that you get from forgeworld work as both left and right arms?

There really aren't any detail shots for the yellow, as those were test minis that I never painted the detail on. ;) As for the arms, yes they are totally ambidextrous. Forge World did a great job with the kit. It's incredibly customizable right out of the bag.



And the yellow is done, except for weathering and battle damage.






I changed the recipe, replacing Iyanden Dark sun for the Golden Yellow I used before. I definitely like it more. :) Oh, and the smoke stack covers aren't finished. I'm not quite sure whether I'm actually going to make them yellow.


Comments and criticism welcome, as always.

the main part of that weapon is an old necron destroyer gun if im not mistaken with the aformentioned lascannon barrel and speeder light.


not sure on the doodads on the end of the "hammer" though.. it looks like 2 of the same bit rather than 1 bit to me.


*edit: the fists are interchangable for either arm side.. if you check forgeworlds site they have a blood angel one showing off fists on both arms.

Looks good. I've only seen a few Fists models in person, but yours look really good. Just curious, where'd you get the hand bitz for the Contemptor; all I can find in the FW catalog are the lascannon and one CC arm.

The hands are ambidexterous. And btw, I love the Fists that you've painted so far, but man I am so envious about that contemptor, I want one badly.


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