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WIP Iron Hands


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When I first started with 40k I just rushed into painting because I wanted to play as fast as possible, didn't care about choosing a chapter, or colour scheme... now a few month's later I fell in love with the Iron Hands so I'm repainting my dudes. I also bought and traded some bits to make the bionics. I also sculpted a couple of things using green stuff for the first time!

So advice is appreciated ;)

I have to thank Davey80y and Brother Argos, because their great models inspired me to do this. I also stole a couple of ideas from them ;)

Here's what my guys looked like before


And here are some more "IHnised", the grey on the bolters is very sloppy because I'm still not sure if that's the colour I'm gonna go with, but I definitely don't want red or white, any other ideas? So far this is the one I like the most though (Thanks bannus). I tried to make the armour look worn out, first time I try this but I like the result, I wonder if the same idea works well with vehicles and dreads?

two battle brothers:



A sargent (my first FW mini :P):


My AOBR captain


So that's the general idea, for the shoulder pads I want the chapter symbol on the left and the opus machina on the other. For that I got a couple of shoulderpads and sculpted the rest with GS (thanks to the tutorials in this site)

here's the original


and the one I sculpted


and the chapter symbol, can you tell which one's done by me? :P


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  • 4 weeks later...

Some time has passed since my first post because my camera died, however I haven't been just sitting around and therefore I have a big update today!

I've almost finished my two tac squads, and here's what they look like. They are a mix of AOBR + standard tac marines + various bits and some GS.



I then worked a bit on my scouts, do they look IH enough? they are recruits after all...


Here's one model I'm quite proud of and that's my dread! He's also from the AOBR set and I added some nice things, including a flamer for the fist arm. His supposed to be really old so he still has the legion's number and I added the patter to the CCW to show that it is master-crafted (using the IH rules posted by bannus on this site). Don't know how to name him yet, ideas?



You guys have seen my captain already, and here are the 2 other HQs, Librarian and Iron Father. Don't know fi you can see it very well but one of the shoulderpads of the librarian is blue and he has a blue stripe on his helmet. I like the idea of the stripe to show codex markings. I also added a bolt pistol for him, he needs it! Both of these sculpts are wonderful, I hope I made them justice.





Comments are welcome, thanks for watching!

I got bored of using coins as objectives so I made some from various bits that were about to get thrown away. I got some of the ideas from DoW, and they are supposed to be 2 "strategic/rally points", communications array, Weapons/ammo and supplies. Here they are


This is my first "free hand" banner :rolleyes:


To finish up here are a couple of AOBR termies:


and the sarge:




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