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I need your advice


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Good day brothers!


Somethings been bugging me of late, I have 2 defilers sitting in boxes not put together and it got me thinking... "why have I not put these guys together yet?" Then I realised the answer: I'm unsure of what weapons to stick on them both!


So give me your opinions guys! The autocannon or the 2xCCW? Tell me how you've equiped yours and what your opinions on the differant load-outs are.


The army they will be in is a World Eaters force consisting of the usual 3-4 Khorne Berserker squads + a standard CSM squad all mounted up in transports. Theres the usual Khârn and Prince support and the not-so-usual Lesser Summoned Daemons support. Standard WE stuff this edition.



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Don't forget to try the search function, as this is a semi-regular question. See here for more information http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...&hl=defiler


Long story short, 80% of people will say 2x DCCW since you should only be shooting the battlecannon or fleeting. 19% of people will say 1 DCCW and reaper autocannon because its a better weapon against light armor and 1% of people will vote for the stock loadout.


(actual results may vary)

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