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Antithesis of thousand sons

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I origionally picked thousand sons as a slow force that could handle both combat and shooting as apposed to my tau who were fast and shooty. Having sold much of the tau I want to start another SM army.


I would like to go Loyalist this time yet opposite of Thousand sons without being Space wolves as my girlfriend collects those.

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I am afraid that I am not entirely sure what you want,

A non-TSons force as in say, a Tzeentchian warband/cult? or a Loyalist chapter who has had run-ins with the TSons?



I originally picked thousand sons as a slow force that could handle both combat and shooting
You picked it for the wrong reasons. The TSons have never been stellar in combat. ;)
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I am afraid that I am not entirely sure what you want,

A non-TSons force as in say, a Tzeentchian warband/cult? or a Loyalist chapter who has had run-ins with the TSons?



I originally picked thousand sons as a slow force that could handle both combat and shooting
You picked it for the wrong reasons. The TSons have never been stellar in combat. :lol:


Maybe he started back in 3.5 they weren't too shabby then when they were able to take a PF on the sorceror and the rubrics themselves all had 2 wounds. Those were fun days.....

If you want to go opposite and loyalist I'd probably say either BT or BA since you don't want wolves.

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They have never been stellar combat troops but what i ment Is they are better at combat than Tau, An army with 1 power weapon in the whole codex and it's on a special character, and Pretty much WS 3 I 2 Across the board.


I didn't want full on combat, or i would have gone with something else I wanted some combat and some shooty


and yes I did play first with the 3.5 codex. I would love to have been able to try the 3 codex where TS were imune to less than str 5 weapons.

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I've allways been a fan of Johnson. And since my girlfriend picked Space Wolves without knowing they hated my thousand sons, I could complete the "Hate Triangle"

so I was thinking of maybe a DIY DA sucessor.... or Dornian Heresy Unforgiven.... constantly hunted by the luthorites seems like a cool idea. Like fallen but not.

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I think DA is a good decision, besides the fact that Im DA. I have about 3000 points of Tsons myself and I find that they can be a little one way when it comes to playing them. I tend to like DA just for the fact that you have alot of different approaches for fielding them. Dont know if that gives another perspective or not...



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I am afraid that I am not entirely sure what you want,

A non-TSons force as in say, a Tzeentchian warband/cult? or a Loyalist chapter who has had run-ins with the TSons?



I originally picked thousand sons as a slow force that could handle both combat and shooting
You picked it for the wrong reasons. The TSons have never been stellar in combat. :tu:



Compared to tau though?

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Black Templars? That's about as polar opposite as you can get from TS if you're planning on going loyalist.


After playing against a Black Templar in the last tourney i'd say these are the most opposite, even in play style.

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