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Plague Marines and Meltas...

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Wait Wait Wait. Are you saying finecast plaguemarines can't take the standard plastic CSM special weapons?


No I think he is saying that they didn't come with meltas - which they dont. :P


Your best bet for meltas is to find some at a bitz site. Loyalist ones with GS works well as does the Chaos one.

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Wait Wait Wait. Are you saying finecast plaguemarines can't take the standard plastic CSM special weapons?


No I think he is saying that they didn't come with meltas - which they dont. :)


Well, he also said "that will fit", which leapt out at my pre-coffee eyes :)


I also think that selling plaguemarines without their trusty meltas is another "What the heck GW?!" tidbit for me to file away. (yeah yeah, I know exactly what they're doing)

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The reason for no meltas/flamers in the box is because GW use to sell Death Guard Havocs with meltas, plasma guns, and or flamers in blisters of two DG. I know this because I have one of those blisters and it came with a melta and a plasma gun. It would have been nice if they finecasted the havocs as well, but meh. Maybe they will in the future?
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Those were the old deathguard havocs. Been discontinued for awhile (front half of the chest had the arms and special weapon on it all ready). Melta are usually rare on bits sites as most people want it...
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So basically I have to cut through pewter and attach a melta-gun that way? So what's the best way to cut through pewter?I also notice they don't come with a powerfist for the champ, what were they thinking? For record I play W.E and I.W, so I have never had to do this...
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  • 2 months later...
Not sure how fluffy you are playing but make a few with plasma. I have been finding plasma to be far more useful apposed to melta.My Oblits deal with armor my PM kill MEQ or termies with plasma or kill rhinos. I find double tapping Storm Ravens with Plasma is far more effective that using melta as most MEQ imperial armys negate the melta rule. Just my 2 cents. I for see this to continue as GW seems to want there fancy expensive tanks to last more than one turn.
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I actually picked up a DG havoc squad only 1 1/2 years ago at a small hobby shop. It was a good day. Point is it's still possible to find old kits like that, in small independent stores. One of my friends got a 3rd edition orks battleforce about a month before I picked up the havocs.
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