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Backpack torch

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I'm putting together a squad of Black Templars with flamers and wanted them all to have the backpack from the Legion of the Damned marine w/ flamer, but have been unable to get ahold of any. I've been looking through all of the torches i can think of, but none of them seem to be a suitable size, so i was hoping someone might be able to suggest something thats similar to the torch on the LotD backpack (or somewhere that has the actual backpacks in stock).


Many thanks in advance, and here's a photo of said backpack.



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Doesnt look particularly hard to scratchbuild. About 6-7 mm diameter styrene tube, drill across and file out to size. Greenstuff flames.


I'll turn to scratch building them if i absolutely can't find anything that'll fit, but it'll be a last resort. I have no experience at all with using greenstuff/milliput/styrene/plasticard etc etc, so when i do finally scratch build something it'll be as basic as you can get to begin with.


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