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combat with a rhino and a unit


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1: you can't be locked in combat with a vehicle without ws.

2: a rhino and the unit inside are seperate units.

3: you are only engaged with units you have charged or have charged you (apart from multiple units in the same combat).

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The unit and the transport are two separate things. You kill the transport, causing an emergency disembarkation, unless you've surrounded all the exits, in which case they are removed from the table. Otherwise, they remain outside the 1 inch range but within two inches of the hatches, meaning you can't attack them.
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Transports aren't upgrades. They are simply unlocked by taking the unit, and afterwards count as completely separate from the unit. Think of a Captain and a Command Squad. The Command Squad is a separate unit from the Captain, even though you need a Captain to take a command squad. Does that make sense?
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Really, thats what i thought (about the kill points) but the guys at the place i game insist that they are 1 kill-point together so i couldnt see why they shouldnt count as one unit. By the way does it say that in the rule book and if it does what are the pg. #


thanks for the help!

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It never specificly says that a unit and it's dedicated transport count as two kill points, but it also never says they do. Because a dedicated transport is a unit in its own right it is worth a kill point regardless of the status of the unit is was purchesed for.
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The unit and the transport are two separate things. You kill the transport, causing an emergency disembarkation, unless you've surrounded all the exits, in which case they are removed from the table. Otherwise, they remain outside the 1 inch range but within two inches of the hatches, meaning you can't attack them.

Actually, you'd have to surround the entire hull, or near enough, anyways, as per "Emergency disembarkation". It's nestled in the vehicle section under transports. Of course, if they have to make an emergency disembarkation, they can't do anything else that player turn. Not that they'll care about that if it gets nailed in your turn.

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