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power armour usage/fluff/artwork question

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Hi all , im looking for any reference material about power armour being used UNDERWATER...


surely it can operate underwater no problems , if it can protect the marine from a vacuum it must be able to work underwater..


if anyone knows of ANY reference material ,images-fluff-fan art , whatever , to do with power armour underwater please let me know.


i have some ideas brewing,,,,

IIRC, in one of the earlier SM codexes there was information regarding the depth that Land Raiders could go underwater, but I can't recall it at the moment. I also seem to remember in the Index Astartes article about the Emperor's Children (I think). They fought against an Alien race called the Laer during the Great Crusade who were genetically and chemically altered to fight in all the different areas of their planet, one of which it mentions is in the oceans.


Also, during the Battle for Armageddon, it mentions that Orks used giant submersibles to launch an invasion of one of the continents or cities, IIRC. So the ocean is definitely a theater of war for the Astartes and they would definitely be suited to it accordingly.


Also, in the IA article about how Space Marines are created it mentions the implantation of the Multi-Lung. While not expressly stating it allows for underwater breathing, it does state that it allows for breathing in toxic and poisonous environments and allows oxygen to be absorbed from even minimal sources. Not too far a stretch to think they could breath water possibly.

The Land Raider going underwater is still in the current one, I think.


There's this chapter that was declared Excommunicatus Traitoris by the Inquisition called the Steel Cobras. They're still holed up in an underwater fortress monastery.

The Space Wolves homeworld of Fenris also has gigantic oceans with huge predators. In Codex:Tyranids (4th edition) it talks about the Kraken's egg being one of the chapter's relics. It would stand to reason that if the item is a relic, it wasn't just picked up by a Fenrisian Archeologist and handed over to the chapter, but instead fought for and won in combat, presumably in the oceans of Fenris where the creatures dwell.


I rather like the idea of Space Marines fighting in oceanic environments. Gives them a twist. I would assume that certain weapons systems would be situational or non functional in the environment, however certain ones would be outstanding. Jump Packs would work like hydrojets in the environments for example, and speeders would work like underwater sleds. I would think though that Power Armor and TDA would be so dense it would sink like a stone though.


Imagine the conversion possibilities for a Dreadnought.....hmmmmmmmm


Think I might be nicking the idea for myself... <_<

TDA might be a problem

PA just might swim


but i think under water missions are most likely on the bottom,

or a underwater hulk, battlebarge ect.


i remember vagely something about the tau and spacemarines onderwater story


mabe in one of the codexes?



The Space Wolf Codex has a story about a battle with the Tau at an underwater fortress. Page 20 it's titled "The War under the Ocean." That's the one with underwater Land Raiders.


I don't think Marines could breath underwater. As I remember reading one of the Soul Drinkers novels and how they were cruising across an ocean, got attacked, and any Marine that was flung over board had to shed some of his armor. Because he would sink and eventually drown after his air supply ran out, or something like that.

One of the Blood Angels books (the good one post the whole Sanguinius thing before anyone starts complaining) did have an underwater fight in it. They were in full armour and holding onto the outside of a submersible but they didn't have too many problems fighting until people started taking wounds.
They can breath underwater - but even marines have a 'crush-depth'. And being stuck walking along the bottom of a chaos infected sea, hundreds of miles away from your brothers, unable to catch up with them to fight or be retrieved with them... I'd get out of my armour too, even if I could breath underwater.
According to the Deathwatch Rulebook, (Not official cannon, but the OP said anything will do,) it says the Multi-Lung allows marines to breath water, and it also mentions that Power Armor is a fully sealed environment, but I haven't found anything about Crush Depth, though I sure it has one.

Epic thanks everyone for the info , keep it coming.

Chapter Master Ignis Domus , the steel cobras fit perfectly this may just be the chapter i have been looking for.


my plan is to make an underwater diorama, an ambitious idea i know . But after a lot of searching it seems to be a unexplored idea/area of 40k to some extent.and i definitely haven't found any pictures of a diorama .

i am still in planning stages of this diorama because its a one shot deal , as at least some of it will be completely encased in "magic water" rendering the miniatures unusable , but hopefully very cool looking.


i am probably going to use this :


as it can be poured in one go to any depth doesn't yellow , crack , or smell nasty as.


any ideas or input is very appreciated.

They do suggest doing it in half inch layers. Just mentioning it cause I don't want ya to go pouring it all in and then ruining your diorama.


I like the idea of Marines advancing under water, oh wait Pirates of the Carribean already stole the idea.. :lol:

Hi all , im looking for any reference material about power armour being used UNDERWATER...


surely it can operate underwater no problems , if it can protect the marine from a vacuum it must be able to work underwater..


if anyone knows of ANY reference material ,images-fluff-fan art , whatever , to do with power armour underwater please let me know.


i have some ideas brewing,,,,




As far as I remember in the Space Wolves codex you have a reference to the battle of Kvarium Alpha where Space Wolves fight Tau underwater without problems, they even use drop pods. See this wiki link for more details: http://warhammer40k.wikia.com/wiki/Tau_Empire

ok what we have so far is :

marines without Armour can breathe water due to the implant of the multi lung,,

and in the battle of Kvarium Alpha space wolves drop pods landed deep in the oceans where their occupants, their Power Armour altered by Space Wolf Techmarines to operate in undersea environments, made a move to engage their enemy.


so it seems we can assume that marine can at least be underwater for a small amount of time,it would make sense that the time would be longer if they had their helmets on especially if a techmarine had altered there armour for an underwater environment specifically.


everyone ok with that? i dont want to get almost done then realise i have missed some huge part of fluff somewhere making the diorama stupid or invalid, after dioramas are all about the fluff really.


my diorama is still in planning stages , first sketches and layouts are done . the water depth is now a factor,maybe as deep as 5-6 times as high as a space marine in PA at the deepest points,im waiting too see how much magic water i will need first as its fairly expensive in large amounts.

the interior of the underwater structure is starting to be designed, i was thinking of using some hirst arts moulds , but i think plastic will be lighter overall and easier to vary the look compared to moulds, a cross between a chaos shrine/submarine is probably what im going for.

anyway , keep the underwater ideas /links/fluff/ coming , ill keep you informed to my progress as i make it,,

this will help me a lot as i often get side tracked while making dioramas as there are so many different aspects in making one




EDIT: the underwater structure being attacked will be some sort of entrance to a larger complex, belonging to the steel cobras as it fits nicely with their fluff.

which also means my diorama will have " ammonia seas " and be on "the frigid world of Tukaroe VII"


not sure what loyalist chapter will be attacking yet , ill get to that later,,,


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