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Marine Chapter: Undecided name at present


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Thanks for comments folks, much appreciated!

I am currently painting my first tactical squad, but not complete yet as have had some set backs = My appalling painting skills. They should be done by the end of this week.


As the chapter name goes, lots of suggestions:

Dizzy-xc wrote:

Tundra Tigers? Isskala Tigryns

Tiger Wolves? Tigryn Valdyrs

Ice Tigers? Svell Tigryns

Ice Bears? Svell Bjarndýrs


Nem FX also added:

The Ice Jaguars, or Snow Jaguars, could work if your still not sure about Maulers.


Mr.Malevolent suggested:

I also agree with Mr. Bleak on naming them The Maulers, even though your going for a Tiger theme. Mauling still works well for a brutal Tiger warrior force. Or maybe something like Arctic Maulers or Ice Maulers!


I like all of these, but am unsure of which i like best. Other suggestions i have had are:

Frost Knights, Ice Paladins, Frost Templars - going with the: "they are guarding or protecting something" suggestion from Kayesh earlier on in this post series.


Frost Sabres is also a contender, as carries on the cold/ice theme and the cat emblem. Ice Tigers, Ice Jaguars, Frost Tigers are all also very good.


I am over whelmed by the good suggestion, what do you out there think?...help! :D

Currently still painting tactical squad, but am waiting for paint to dry. I bought some painted assault marines and stripped them over night, broke em up and here are the results. Hope you like them! :)


Below: Group shot, but a bit dark.



Below: Let there be light (Well, slightly more light! ^_^ )



Below: Close up of the Sgt. - I'm waiting for a hand flamer to come through the post, but you can see the combat shield strapped to his belt.



Below: Senior Sgt Character, haven't decided whether to upgrade to Cpt. or not yet.




Pics of tactical squad when they are finished. Thanks for looking and i welcome all feedback and comments.

I really like your Scibor Terminator model!!

I also agree that these guys look far too brutal to be named 'Angels' and too barbaric to be named something as subtle as 'Knights'. So I have a few more name suggestions for you:-

- Iron Fangs

- Claws of Steel

- The Emperor's Claws

- Storm Fangs

- Fangs of [Enter Homeworld name]

- Claws of [Enter Homeworld name]




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