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Possessed or Chosen?


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Haven't played any chaos yet, but started making a list and was curious as to which unit most people preferred and why? Possessed? or Chosen? If Chosen what would you suggest equipping them with? What would you say is the better unit?


Also, it should be noted, I don't play competitively or for the fluff, I just play to play.

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They're both good units as they usually have different tasks.

And it also depends on your vision of your army as it is in The Aspiring Champion's Handbook right up.

I prefer Chosen as they, as it was already said, have more options. And they're more flexible. Possessed're excellent assault units (they'd be perfect if having grenades and fists). I know they're good in 10-20 models with the Icon of Tzeentch, but personally i don't like the models so i use the Chosen (and i made them from the Dark Angels veterans). But it very strong depends on your army so it's completely up to you.

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Also, it should be noted, I don't play competitively or for the fluff, I just play to play.
(emphasis mine)


Possessed all the way then. I like large units (10-20) of footsloggers (in fun games).


The Icon lets you tailor them a bit, while the power roll still makes them nice and random.


From the modelling side they also allow for huge conversion opportunities, which is always a plus.

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more different than normal CSM, compared to Chosen.

True. Chosen don't even have their own models! But many players make them from the Dark Angels Veterans and it differs them greatly from the other CSM.

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more different than normal CSM, compared to Chosen.

True. Chosen don't even have their own models! But many players make them from the Dark Angels Veterans and it differs them greatly from the other CSM.

that's what I did, I just got the DA sprue with the robey marines

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I love the Dark Angels idea for Chosen but I personally used normal CSM bodies with the helmet-less heads and made them look old and pale like how the Space Wolf Long Fangs are all old guys. For outfitting I usually go for 5 Meltas and a Rhino while outflanking. For a fun list, footslogging 20 Possessed is definitely the way to go. Might I also suggest Chaos Spawn for fun footslogging? I mean, a squad of 3 with S5 T5 and 3 wounds a piece WITH fearless isnt a bad option, for fun that is.
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I love the Dark Angels idea for Chosen but I personally used normal CSM bodies with the helmet-less heads and made them look old and pale like how the Space Wolf Long Fangs are all old guys. For outfitting I usually go for 5 Meltas and a Rhino while outflanking. For a fun list, footslogging 20 Possessed is definitely the way to go. Might I also suggest Chaos Spawn for fun footslogging? I mean, a squad of 3 with S5 T5 and 3 wounds a piece WITH fearless isnt a bad option, for fun that is.


except the spawn move D6". Kinda hard to be effective foot slogger when you're moving 1-2" 1/3 of the time.

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I love the Dark Angels idea for Chosen but I personally used normal CSM bodies with the helmet-less heads and made them look old and pale like how the Space Wolf Long Fangs are all old guys. For outfitting I usually go for 5 Meltas and a Rhino while outflanking. For a fun list, footslogging 20 Possessed is definitely the way to go. Might I also suggest Chaos Spawn for fun footslogging? I mean, a squad of 3 with S5 T5 and 3 wounds a piece WITH fearless isnt a bad option, for fun that is.


except the spawn move D6". Kinda hard to be effective foot slogger when you're moving 1-2" 1/3 of the time.

and they're counted as "fast attack"



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I love the Dark Angels idea for Chosen but I personally used normal CSM bodies with the helmet-less heads and made them look old and pale like how the Space Wolf Long Fangs are all old guys. For outfitting I usually go for 5 Meltas and a Rhino while outflanking. For a fun list, footslogging 20 Possessed is definitely the way to go. Might I also suggest Chaos Spawn for fun footslogging? I mean, a squad of 3 with S5 T5 and 3 wounds a piece WITH fearless isnt a bad option, for fun that is.


except the spawn move D6". Kinda hard to be effective foot slogger when you're moving 1-2" 1/3 of the time.


Spawn also count as cavalry though so they are fleet with a possible 12" assault. If the Dark Ones smile they've got a 24" threat range.

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I Played a 1500 point game and went with the majority of y'all and pointed up Chosen, only had I believe 5 plus my Chaos Lord in the Unit and they didn't do to terribly bad. Their Rhino was wrecked 1st turn, so they had to walk, although the other side got to me before I could get very far so they did get into close combat rather quickly. I think they held their own, especially considering I was going against GK's, I was pretty overpowered, but they lasted 3 turns of assault. I think I still want to give Possessed a try, but I do like Chosen. Thanks everyone for the suggestions.
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I love the Dark Angels idea for Chosen but I personally used normal CSM bodies with the helmet-less heads and made them look old and pale like how the Space Wolf Long Fangs are all old guys. For outfitting I usually go for 5 Meltas and a Rhino while outflanking. For a fun list, footslogging 20 Possessed is definitely the way to go. Might I also suggest Chaos Spawn for fun footslogging? I mean, a squad of 3 with S5 T5 and 3 wounds a piece WITH fearless isnt a bad option, for fun that is.


except the spawn move D6". Kinda hard to be effective foot slogger when you're moving 1-2" 1/3 of the time.


Spawn also count as cavalry though so they are fleet with a possible 12" assault. If the Dark Ones smile they've got a 24" threat range.


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