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can khorne win without DPs and Oblits

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IMHO plasma pistols in Berzerker squads are a waste. Don't get me wrong I used to use them religiously but I've been burned [ literally ] by them too many times to spend the 30 points per unit on them.

By dropping them from each of your squads you free up 90 points. Drop the Berzerker Skull Champ w/ PW from Khârn's squad, that's another 21 points for him, +15 for SC upgrade and +15 for the PW for an additional 51 points. Total savings of 141 points + the 15 you have left over nets you 156 points. I'd use those points for a Termicide squad.


++Termicide Squad ++

Chaos Terminators X3

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 & power weapon X2

*Heavy flamer X1


Total: 120 points


Take the remaining 36 points and add extra armor to both of your rhinos for 30 points. With the last 5 points give one of your Skull Champs a personal icon to deep strike your Termicide squad off of.


So here's how I'd run your 1750 list [ my suggestions/changes are in BOLD ]:



Khârn (165)

8 berserkers (168)

Land raider (235)

-extra armour


8 berserkers (263)

-PF champ

-personal icon


*extra armor


8 berserkers (258)

-PF champ


*extra armor


Chaos Terminators X3 (120)

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 & power weapon X2

*Heavy flamer X1

Chaos Terminators X3 (120)

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 & power weapon X2

*Heavy flamer X1

Chaos Terminators X3 (120)

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 & power weapon X2

*Heavy flamer X1

Defiler (150)




Defiler (150)






Army Breakdown


Model Count: 33


Vehicles: 5. 1 Landraider, 2 Rhinos, 2 Defilers


Tank poppers / MC killers: 2 TLLC from Landraider, 2 PF from Berzerkers, 3 Chainfists, 6 Combi-meltas, 2 Battle Cannons, 8 DCCW's from Defilers, 1 Gorechild


Anti Horde Weapons: 2 Battle cannons, 3 Heavy Flamers, 1 Khârn, 24 Berzerkers.


Scoring units: 3


Your biggest problem is you have 3 troop choices. You might be taxed a bit in objective based games. However tabling your opponent also ensures victory. You'll just get more milage and usage out of the termicide squads than you will the dreads. I hated to admit that fact myself because I have 2 [ now useless ] Forge World World Eater Dreads with DCCW's doing nothing.


I love true to fluff armies, troop heavy armies, and World Eaters. I initially ran a rhino rush 1850 assault army but had to change it up a bit to make it more competitive.. Here's my current 1850 list to give you an idea.


My 1850 World Eaters Tourny List


HQ--Khârn The Betrayer--165


Heavy1--Obliterators Cult X2--150


Heavy2--Obliterators Cult X2--150



*Extra close combat weapon [ replaces twin linked heavy flamer ]

*Extra close combat weapon [ replaces reaper autocannon ]


ELITE1--Chaos Terminators X3--120

++Termicide Squad++

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 w/ Power Weapons X2

*Heavy Flamer


ELITE2--Chaos Terminators X3--120

++Termicide Squad++

*Chainfist X1

*Combi-melta X2 w/ Power Weapons X2

*Heavy Flamer


Troop1-- Khorne Berzerkers X7--197

** Khârn attaches to this unit **

*Rhino Troop Transport w/ Extra Armor


Troop2-- Khorne Berzerkers X8--263

*Aspiring Champion w/ Power Fist

*Personal Icon

*Rhino Troop Transport w/ Extra Armor


Troop3-- Khorne Berzerkers X8--263

*Aspiring Champion w/ Power Fist

* Personal Icon

*Rhino Troop Transport w/ Extra Armor


Troop4-- Khorne Berzerkers X8--263

*Aspiring Champion w/ Power Fist

* Personal Icon

*Rhino Troop Transport w/ Extra Armor




Total: 1841 points



Army Breakdown:


Model Count: 42 Models


Vehicles: 4 rhinos, 1 Defiler


Tank poppers / MC killers: 4 Obliterators ranged weapons , 7 power fists [ 3 Berzerkers , 4 Obliterators ], 2 Chainfists, 4 Combi-meltas, Defiler CC weapons [ maybe ], 1 Battle Cannon [ last resort? ], 1 Gorechild


Anti Horde Weapons: 2 Heavy Flamers, Obliterator Weapons, 1 Pieplate of Doom [ Defiler battle cannon ]


Scoring Units: 4



Blood for the Blood God...





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thanks for the insight FFX.. im not sure i like the idea of spamming termicide tbh.. although if i did drop the plasma pistols, id probably use the points for a third dreadnought. target saturation and all that.


Khârn (165)

8 berserkers (203)

-PW champ


Land raider (235)

-extra armour


8 berserkers (243)

-PF champ



8 berserkers (243)

-PF champ



dreadnought (120)


-heavy flamer

-extra armour


dreadnought (120)


-heavy flamer

-extra armour


dreadnought (120)


-heavy flamer

-extra armour


Defiler (150)


-reaper autocannon



Defiler (150)


-reaper autocannon





thats 5 walkers, 2 rhinos and a land raider with 25 infantry over 3 squads

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But without the Plasma Pistols your only ranged vehicle popping is coming from 2 Defilers and your Land Raider.


I know Berzerkers can shred a vehicle in combat but that's going to leave them bunched up, sitting in the open for the counter-attack.


I'd drop the 3rd Dreadnought for the 2 pistols per squad and a combi-melta on each transport.


This way you've got a better chance of popping vehicles, plus it should allow your defilers to spend more time either scuttling forward or dropping pieplates.

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due to the fact i need to buy the dreads, it will be a case of running the plasma pistols for a while anyway.. i happen to think along similar lines than the plasma is needed for low AV killing, helping against MCs and knocking some wonds off paladins and the like before cc
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Don't forget that a rhino can take a combi melta, sure its only one shot but its cheaper, safer and more damaging then a plamsa pistol.


plus really cool :D

im working on how to make this 1750 list fit tournament restrictions for next may, i have to first build it as 1250 and then add on 500.. ive got a set of lists worked out, the combi-melta idea will help fill some point holes.. thanks fellas

oh ill post the list tomorrow evening when i get into work (my work comp has more gaming info stored than my home one)

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