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Crimson Templars


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I know i already have an ongoing topic here but i felt as if i should start another because the other had both old and new armies and the wrong title etc...


ANYWAY, i am nearly at 2000 points of my "Crimson Templars", just a predator to go (Which i should be able to get in the next couple of weeks)


Enough talking, onto the pics! (Please Beware! Here lies bad photos!)


Group Shots








Crusade Squad 1 + Marshal




Crusade Squad 2 + Emperor's Champion




Crusade Squad 3




Assault Marines + Chaplain






Land Speeder Typhoon






Vindicator (Pretty happy with the weathering on this one)















Well thank you for looking! Hope they weren't too bad! :(

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I've seen better chapters but I do like the attention to detail on these models. The addition of power fields on the terminator's fists and scripture added to vehicles and weapons is a nice characterising element in the force. I especially liked the battle damage added to the tanks.


Heh, nice name as well.

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@Codicier Lucion: By "Better Chapters" I assume you mean colour schemes. In which case you are correct but I aimed for a scheme that would be relatively easy to paint and look good as an army, the table top.


@MaliGn: Thank you. The purity seals on the chaplain are blue because all the seals on the regular marines are blue as well, so they do tie him in a bit. Also, its not amazingly clear in the photos, but his left shoulder pad is red with the maltese cross on to tie him in further.

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@Codicier Lucion: By "Better Chapters" I assume you mean colour schemes. In which case you are correct but I aimed for a scheme that would be relatively easy to paint and look good as an army, the table top.


Probably, I can't quite remember what I meant with that but it was most likely commenting upon the colour scheme. Mind if I ask what mixtures paints you use for their base colours?

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I don't do paint mixing...


The red is mechrite red, then a wash of madam black then a drybrush of blood red. The black is simply chaos black...



Just read what you said and realised you meant the bases not the base colours, my bad

The bases are khemri brown, overbrushed deneb stone the drybrushed skull White.

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Double Post :lol:


Ah well, while I was waiting for my predator to be delivered I put this guy together:






It's a replacement Marshal! I'm sick of the fact that the marshal I have at the moment only has a bolter which he never uses because he is either in a rhino or about to assault and doesn't get the extra attacks in CC because of the bolter...So, to solve this problem, I made this guy out of a couple of sanguinary guard bits and a few other things I had lying around.


Pretty happy with him but if you guys see anything that's missing let me know!

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Thank you!


The battle damage is done by getting one the sponge squares from the blister packs, folding it in half, then dipping it in a bit of your chosen paint (in this case, khemri brown followed by dheneb stone), wiping of the excess (much like you would if you were drybrushing it on) and then dragging it across the tank.


Hope that helps.

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very impressive painting skills man. so is this a "break off" chapter from the black templars? lol being a templar player myself i was just curious. i think the addition of the pp on the marshal to add a cc attack was a good decision, and to boot it's a sick looking model man. are those legs of an assault marine? to get the whole "running" look everyone likes in cc oriented troops?
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Thanks for the very kind comments!


The legs of the marshal are from the sanguinary guard with the blood drops shaved off. (same with the sword).


The crimson templars aren't a BT successor because apparently the BTs don't have successors. Therefore they are an IF successor chapter that are fleet based and crusade in similar ways to the BTs.


Thanks again!

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Two image updates in one day! Something must be wrong with me...








I'm very happy with this guy considering the time i took to paint it. About 4 1/2 to 5 hours!



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  • 3 weeks later...

It's been a little while since my last post (took a lot longer for the predator to arive than i thought) but here is the milestone model, a predator/rhino!


As a Rhino:




As a Destructor:




As a Annihilator:





Also I painted this guy while I was waiting for the predator to arrive. I am really not happy with this guy. This is about the fifth time I painted him and I still can't get it to look right. It seems to be that no matter what I do the paint always ends up being too thick!




I apologise...


Enjoy (As best you can!)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well it's been a while (Holiday B) ) but I'm back! I have decided that the next stop on the Crimson Templar's journey is the big 3000 point mark. To get the there I need to paint (and buy :D ) 5 assault terminators, a marshal in terminator armour, a land raider crusader, a land speeder typhoon, and another 9 marines with bolters.

ANYWAY onto the bit that everybody likes, THE PICS:


10 man squad of marines (5 of which were you will have already seen in the first post of the topic)




I also got bored one day and built and painted this guy:








And I have also got this test guy done for the Assault Terminators




And a close up of the power effect on the guys hammer (Very very very happy with how this turned out



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