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shan vener

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hey guys. got a quick question for ya.


i'm going to games day so i'm going to give my GK a FW dread but what do i give it?

i know that its going to have the close combat arm with the heavy flamer that looks like a blade. but what i can't figure out is whether to give it the lascannons, autocannons (would have psybolt ammo), or an incinerator cannon (would be a twin linked heavy flamer with psyflame ammo)


before you ask the two armies that i fight the most are nids (the flamers would be the bane of their existence) and chaos marines.

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Paired with a dreadnaught close combat arm I would use either the multimelta, twinlinked heavy flamer, or the assault cannon arm. For an all comers list the assault cannon with psybolt ammo is a good choice because it will always be effective no matter who you are facing.
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my dread will probably have the heavy flamer under the DCCW. for some reason i alway liked it better.


also realise that i don't have unlimited resources. I will have around $200. I know that i will get a contemptor to be furioso for my Blood Angels. and with the GK dread that puts me at $138.58 (not including the insane 9.75% chicago sales tax) so i cant really afford more than 2 gun arms for the dread and still have money left for bits or something else.

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My initial plans for a dreadnought is the ubiquitous 2x twin-linked autocannon one, for obvious reasons (the internet is right sometimes).


However, a more long-term plan is to have an assault oriented venerable dread. I'd like to fit it with a twin-linked assault cannon with psybolts (aka psycannon) and heavy flamer. the MkIV Forgeworld model is just too tempting to resist.

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IIRC you can only give the heavy flamer to a venerable dread - you might want to use a storm bolter instead, then you can change it between venerable/non-venerable between games.


As for weapons loadout, magnetise!


i don't have the money for more than one gun arm. i barely squeeked it in as it is. and i can't find a reason to play it as a normal dread.

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It totally depends on what role you want your dreadnought to play.


Cheap as chips? Keep the loadout at MM and DCCW. Nothing wrong with even footslogging this guy.

Transported on a Stormraven? Maybe you want the basic loadout ... maybe you want the "psycannon" (autocannon w/psybolts) ...


Nothing is really better or worse here. Depends on your role and tactics.

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Magnets. <3 So you can potentially buy more arms later.


That said, I'm a huge fan of the Psycannon arm (assault cannon + psybolt ammo counts-as) as it's a classic and still effective, but I can certainly see the merit behind the autocannons with psybolt ammo.

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