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I already have 3 regular dreadnoughts for my 1750 list, but i plan to get more to be more flexible with list building.


But my thought were whether to take Furioso Librarians with Wings and something else or Furiosos in a pod.

I do plan to add 3 more Furiosos, but would that be 3 normal ones in pod, 2 normal and a librarian or even another mix?


How many librarians can be good to have these days with Grey Knights wanting to cast a lot of spells all the time, and newer armies thats on the rise

will most likely have some nasty stuff in them as well. I do have a regular Librarian, so maybe 3 is one or two too many. But i can also switch him out for either a

Reclusiarch or Dante if the decision to take 2 Furioso Librarians comes up


Any thoughts on dreadnoughts out there?



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1st: You can't have too many Dreadnoughts!

2nd: You can't have too many librarians!



I have actually never used more than a Libby HQ and a libby dread together, but I have a brand new Furioso now so I will soon try a game with 2 Furioso Librarians (and 2 HQ libbys).

1 HQ libby and a dread libby goes well together, 2 psychic hoods on the battlefield are twice as good as 1... I already have some dreads coming down in pods so I usually fly my libby dread over the battlefield. Wings and Might are a good combo on a dread, too bad we can't upgrade him to an epistolary. That would be crazy!


My librarian have never let me down, I have never been disappointed with him. I wouldn't say game winner, but always a wreckingball and always fun to play.

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Generally, librarian dreads are not really as worthwhile in most lists as the regular furiosos. Lack of customizable options (particularly being unable to take extra armor) really hurts them. Typically, Librarian Dreadnoughts are only worth considering, from a competitive perspective, if you want a psychic hood, but have run out of HQ slots, or if you are trying to spam a certain psychic power --Fear comes to mind here.


Most lists really only need one or two Psychic hoods in them. Any more than that, and you're going to start lacking counters to other threats --plus, since you can only use one hood to counter a psychic power, you'll start to over-saturate your hoods and not get as much out of them against most lists.


Furiosos with talons are probably one of the more well-liked options --at least on the internet-- and they certainly make a mess of squads, but you miss out against things like other walkers since your attacks lack S10. If you are thinking about Drop Podding your dreads, you may want to consider the Frag Cannon/Magna Grapple/Heavy Flamer setup since it packs a 3-template punch and two S8 shots even on the turn it drops --which is a heack of an alpha strike. Generally, if you are looking for flexibility, I'd go with at least a couple of furiosos in one form or another. If you want to try out the Librarian Dreadnought, go for it, but just know that they lack the flexibility of some of the other dreadnought variants.


Ultimately, it's up to you, what you want to field, and what the rest of your list looks like.

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Furiosos with talons are probably one of the more well-liked options --at least on the internet-- and they certainly make a mess of squads, but you miss out against things like other walkers since your attacks lack S10. If you are thinking about Drop Podding your dreads, you may want to consider the Frag Cannon/Magna Grapple/Heavy Flamer setup since it packs a 3-template punch and two S8 shots even on the turn it drops --which is a heack of an alpha strike. Generally, if you are looking for flexibility, I'd go with at least a couple of furiosos in one form or another. If you want to try out the Librarian Dreadnought, go for it, but just know that they lack the flexibility of some of the other dreadnought variants.


I'd say that Dreads with talons lack flexibility, the Furioso Librarian can be what you want it to be with the help of Psychic powers.


And would I take another power than might it would be Blood boil, trying to get that '5 or less' to get rid of the power fist/klaw and munch through a whole unit :D



BTW, don't ever listen to me when it comes to Dreadnoughts. I became a Blood Angel just to be able to field this many Dreads in their various forms so one could say that I'm a bit biased.

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I'd say that Dreads with talons lack flexibility, the Furioso Librarian can be what you want it to be with the help of Psychic powers.


I'd agree with that. What I was trying to say was that furiosos in general provide a higher degree if flexibility in choosing a loadout than a librarian dread. Blood Talons by themselves are not a flexible weapon. Talons kill infantry in droves, but everything else more of a struggle. I also agree that librarian dreads gain some degree of flexablity depending on what powers you take for them. However, not all powers are really that great when using a dread. Wings gets taken a lot (who doesn't love a flying dreadnought?) while Sanguine Sword is almost completely worthless unless you absolutely MUST have a S10 force weapon. :rolleyes: Unleash Rage is OK, but I'd take Might of Heroes instead for the extra attacks over the re-rolls IMO --and then, when it comes down to it, why take CC buffing powers anyway? If you are looking to kill something in CC, why not just take a furioso or DC dread to begin with? Similarly, I'd eschew most of the shooting abilities because there are other things in the codex that can do shooting better. IMO, you take a libby dread for the same reason you take a normal libby --the supporting powers and force multipliers. Wings and Shield can be a good option if you have a mech heavy force as you can scoot behind your vehicles and get that nice 5+ cover save before popping over the top of a razorback or Baal to jump into CC.

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A Furioso Librarian ain't as flexible as a regular Furioso with Fists, that I totally agree on. The main reason I use Furioso Libbys is the wings. Flying dreadnoughts are so awesome! Also, the opponent usually think it's more dangerous than it really is, so my other, forgotten, dreads can do some real damage :rolleyes:


It seems that jump infantry won't be as good in the 6th edition, but until then I will use the Furioso Libby with a smile on my face and move him 12" closer to my targets. I love the look on my opponents face when he realizes that he totally forgot how fast a flying dread really is.

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My initial thought were to get 2 Librarian Dreads and 1 Furioso with 2 fists and then pod 2 other Dreads from the heavy slot, so i at least get 3 pods (2 first turn)

So 2 Librarian Furioso with at least wings. 1 Furioso 2 Fists and at least 2 dreads with MM, HF and Fist in pods. If i get a 6th dread it will most likely then be 2 autocannons on him.

And i think buy 3 Furiosos and try that out, i magnetize all weapons and torsos so if i want to change to three regular furiosos i suspect that will be a easy fix.


Thanks for the input at least :) Always nice to hear others thoughts

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My initial thought were to get 2 Librarian Dreads and 1 Furioso with 2 fists and then pod 2 other Dreads from the heavy slot, so i at least get 3 pods (2 first turn)

So 2 Librarian Furioso with at least wings. 1 Furioso 2 Fists and at least 2 dreads with MM, HF and Fist in pods. If i get a 6th dread it will most likely then be 2 autocannons on him.

And i think buy 3 Furiosos and try that out, i magnetize all weapons and torsos so if i want to change to three regular furiosos i suspect that will be a easy fix.


Thanks for the input at least :) Always nice to hear others thoughts

unfortunately if you buy 3 dreads, youll get 3 bodies and 9 sarcophagus'. I havent seen a magnitized sarcophagus yet but it might be possible.

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I did it like this tutorial, works great! Magnetizing the Furioso


And if you are to drop pod down the dreads I'd suggest the Furioso with frag cannon, it totally rocks! And don't forget the DC dread!


I usually drop pod down a furioso frag and a DC dread in the midst of the enemy the first turn. I have magna grapple on both, they almost always bring down some heavy armour. I leave the heavy support dreads at my deployment zone, staying close to an objective. I've just started using a rifleman dread and I tell you, they are quite good. I have never done well with an asscan dread, they are supposed to be good, but I have never made 'em work.


Anyway, magnetize all the furiosos and try all combos. I tried the frag cannon and loved it. Now I don't leave home without it :P


PS. off topic: does anyone else think that the new Furioso Librarian looks like :)? I just don't like it, I still have to use it, but I don't like the model.

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I did it like this tutorial, works great! Magnetizing the Furioso


And if you are to drop pod down the dreads I'd suggest the Furioso with frag cannon, it totally rocks! And don't forget the DC dread!


I usually drop pod down a furioso frag and a DC dread in the midst of the enemy the first turn. I have magna grapple on both, they almost always bring down some heavy armour. I leave the heavy support dreads at my deployment zone, staying close to an objective. I've just started using a rifleman dread and I tell you, they are quite good. I have never done well with an asscan dread, they are supposed to be good, but I have never made 'em work.


Anyway, magnetize all the furiosos and try all combos. I tried the frag cannon and loved it. Now I don't leave home without it :D


PS. off topic: does anyone else think that the new Furioso Librarian looks like :cuss? I just don't like it, I still have to use it, but I don't like the model.


Wish I would have saw this before I built my dreads! Although I foresee a problem with the black death company plate matching the red body...

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I'm about to use one tomorrow. Wings of Sanguinius should be an auto-take power (12" move, fire and assault dread? yes please).


On my Dread I'll be taking Smite as the second power purely because I'm not sure what else to take on him.

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As I said, I have never been disappointed with my Libby Dread. I usually jump it from cover to cover, it has high AV, but a lascannon puts it down easy. The big difference between a flying Dread and a fast tank is that the flying dread don't have to run around every obstacle, he just jumps over it. It takes lesser time to engage the enemy, and thats a good thing!

The best targets for the Libby Dread is of course units without the power to take him down. I just love it when I'm able to get into CC with longs fangs or devastators without a power fist, or even better, broadsides! Another fine target is any vehicle. It doesn't matter what's inside, the Libby dread is able to stand toe to toe with most opponents.


Sometimes I use the Libby Dread alone on one flank. He don't have much shooting, so he's not a big threat to start with, but when he gets close enough...


As for optimization, I have found that wings and might are the best powers to take, but that's just me and my style.


Soon I'll be running 2 Libby Dreads, I'll get back with the results on that adventure!

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Lots of sound advice here. My thoughts have always been this though, if I can kill my opponents scoring units quickly and in great numbers then the Furioso with talons is 1st class at that job. I run 2 of them along with a DC Dread with talons too.

My troop choices all ride around in Laz/Plaz Razors. Basically it's a mech, dread hybrid list and it's lots of fun.


It's not a tournament list by any means but just lots of what I like. My most recent game was against a plague marine heavy list and my 3 dreads made a joke of them. So for killing troops my money's on the talons. :D


I will also add my talon fetish came from sound advice here on the boards. They work wonders for me.

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