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Heroes (and villains) of the Badab War


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Heroes (and villains) of the Badab War.


Independent characters described in IA9 & 10 (a must have for B&C members imo), feel free to post photos of (or links to) your finished paintjobs/conversions on this thread.


I'm starting with Arch-Centurion Carnac Commodus


Aside from the Forge World shoulder pads I used parts from the space marines officer and tactical squad boxes but also some from

the chaos space marines, however I didn't want to give him an ugly face, but rather an angelic one so I opted for the obvious choice: Blood Angels. The idea was to portrait Carnac as a knight in shiny armor turned bad, a handsome, courageous, but cruel and merciless killer. This explains why the usual space marine standard has been replaced by a more sinister one.


I painted the armor in Bolt Gun metal over a basecoat of Charadon Granite. Then I applied a light wash of Badad Black for shading. Highlighting was done with Mithril Silver. The layering effect of the cape was done with Mordian blue, Ultramarine blue and Spacewolve Grey, then washed with Asurmen Blue. Carmac’s chainsword, Blood Biter, was painted in Mecrite Red, Blood Red and Blazing Orange.


Basing was done with a small stone from my garden, the downed imperial eagle symbol came from the Rhino kit. It was painted in Deneb Stone, then washed with Devlan Mud and highlighted with Bleached Bone.


Hope you'll enjoy.




Click on the thumbnails to enlarge:









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Thanks for your comments folks. Regarding the trophy spike, Well it's in accordance with the character's background, he is described as a "fanatical and vicious warrior" "and unforgiving fighter". During the course of the Badab war he orders the slaughter of Salamander prisoners of war. Not really a nice guy. He’s wielding Blood Biter a chainsword captured from chaos heretics, my assumption is he has been somehow corrupted by this weapon, a bit like Fulgrim during the Horus heresy, he’s not devoted to Chaos yet, but definitely tainted.
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  • 2 weeks later...

My own interpretation of Captain Corien Sumatris (with some WIP pictures)


Since Sumatris is described as a “mysterious figure” I thought a hood would be perfect:




With MKIII helm:


Huron’s best:


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hmmm now this is a forum area i could enjoy. I have been working on multiple badab war heroes myself. *nods lightly* when i get my camera going I'll be sure to take pictures and upload them here.


You're more than Welcome -_-

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Thanks for your comments folks. Regarding the trophy spike, Well it's in accordance with the character's background, he is described as a "fanatical and vicious warrior" "and unforgiving fighter". During the course of the Badab war he orders the slaughter of Salamander prisoners of war. Not really a nice guy. He’s wielding Blood Biter a chainsword captured from chaos heretics, my assumption is he has been somehow corrupted by this weapon, a bit like Fulgrim during the Horus heresy, he’s not devoted to Chaos yet, but definitely tainted.

Technically Fulgrim didn't get corrupted. It was Fulgrim that corrupted Phoenician and took over his body, forever entrapping Phoenician in his self-portrait aboard his battle-barge.

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Thanks for your comments folks. Regarding the trophy spike, Well it's in accordance with the character's background, he is described as a "fanatical and vicious warrior" "and unforgiving fighter". During the course of the Badab war he orders the slaughter of Salamander prisoners of war. Not really a nice guy. He’s wielding Blood Biter a chainsword captured from chaos heretics, my assumption is he has been somehow corrupted by this weapon, a bit like Fulgrim during the Horus heresy, he’s not devoted to Chaos yet, but definitely tainted.

Technically Fulgrim didn't get corrupted. It was Fulgrim that corrupted Phoenician and took over his body, forever entrapping Phoenician in his self-portrait aboard his battle-barge.


Er. Fulgrim and the Phoenician are the same person. Fulgrim's nickname was the Phoenician.

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My own interpretation of Captain Corien Sumatris (with some WIP pictures)


Since Sumatris is described as a “mysterious figure” I thought a hood would be perfect:




With MKIII helm:


Huron’s best:



with the MkIII helm, you should add a pulled back hood, so that it seems as though he's pulled the hood off and put his helmet on

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You should give the green stuff a go. You will be surprised what you can do. A hood should be a fairly simple thing to acheive, just give a few forums a read to get some basic knowledge, all you need is a few clay shapers and a nugget of green stuff.

The only thing you really need is patience, I'm still working on that but I have been doing a bit of sculpting for the last few months and I have done this:


I reckon I could do it better next time, but seriously, go for it!

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Does this count? Not converted just painted...






Or how about this one? Veteran Sergeant Culln later to be Commander Culln of the Red Scorpions...



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Does this count? Not converted just painted...


Of course it does, nice paintjob. B)



You should give the green stuff a go.



If I buy some Fine Cast stuff, I will eventually have to anyway :D .

Very nice sculpting btw, looks promising. :huh:

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Mind if I throw mine up?


I got Huron, Valthex and Sumatris.











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I think it's great to see how everyone views what the various characters look like.


Here is my own version of Valthex, which I made simply because I read the character description and thought he seemed like an interesting character to make (and has now inspired me to make an army of ACs...)




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