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Baals in DoA


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Could Baal Preds work in a DoA list? I figure they would outflank in or around the same turn as the jump infantry and they would be a good way of thinning down mass infantry or higher toughness creatures. However they could be hit unreliable, seeing if they don't come in.



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They aren't awful, but they're diluting your core strength (lots of FNP infantry) and, as you note, are unreliable. Without the reroll from DoA, they will often not arrive on the turn you want them and thus be a lot less valuable. More importantly, they don't really bring anything to the list that it can't already do- masses of infantry are not a big deal for DoA, it has ways to bring Flamers (mostly Honor Guard) and Assault Marines, by their simple statline and gear, can do a pretty good job of eliminating infantry models.


In other words you can include them, but they're not ideal.

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I feel the games where they do come in turn 2, or even one on turn 2, would be beneficial. Keeping some heat off the deepstriking units and really adding a little extra punch at the same time.
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Yeah, I've thought about this also. Even in scenarios where enough cover isn't available, you could use one Baal to pop smoke and screen the other while it pops off some shots. I really think they could have their place in a DoA army, but wanted to hear if anyone had thoughts or experience on using them in DoA.
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I feel like I might be using a bad DoA list according to the people here but I've used one to amazing effect. It has a tendency to either eliminate the entire squad I point it at or weaken it sufficiently enough so that my assault squad doesn't even blink as they sweep through. It tends to back up my assault squad while my death company runs amuck, my predator annihilator snipes tanks, and then sanguinor and the sanguinary guard come through and rip everything that is high value or strong apart by the seams.
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I feel like I might be using a bad DoA list according to the people here but I've used one to amazing effect. It has a tendency to either eliminate the entire squad I point it at or weaken it sufficiently enough so that my assault squad doesn't even blink as they sweep through. It tends to back up my assault squad while my death company runs amuck, my predator annihilator snipes tanks, and then sanguinor and the sanguinary guard come through and rip everything that is high value or strong apart by the seams.


sounds like you are running somewhat of a hybrid list, no?

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