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Gabe Seth


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Hi all,

Just thought I'd post this as it's the first thing I've finished in quite some time :)





I have to say that this is the most fun I've had painting a miniature in some time, although he was a bugger to put together :tu:

Also the first time I've used Gesso as an undercoat and I have to say that this is the best primer I have ever encountered and a massive time saver :D

Comments and criticism please :)

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As requested here are some daytime pics, btw I just realized that I have given him chibi eyes ;) so I will be fixing this asap.





I know the pics aren't great but I only have access to a pretty crap camera, when the girlfriend permits it :)

More comments! More criticism!

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From what I can see without hurting my eye's it looks rather nice, but the photo's are just too blurry I think for people to comment.

Dont get put off by lack of posts either, I only ever get about 5 or 6 myself.

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Thanks for the comment :)


I know the pics are terrible :P partly cos it's a crap camera and partly cos my hand shakes a bit since I broke my collarbone B)


I will try and get some crisper shots up, if I can :lol:

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Thanks Waka Waka :D


The red was actually an experiment to see if I could adapt an old technique I've used on an Eldar model I painted for a mate.


Every red plate on the model is composed of layers of ink, which gives it a light glossy effect and makes for a VERY rich colour :)


Also it's much easier for me than blending and layering paint :devil:

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I tried that with an old RT Inquisitor (I used Dark Green Ink, I believe), suffice to say I was gratified it worked. :)


Only drawback was it took a bajillion layers to get the green to show strongly over the black undercoat. :devil:


Good Seth, btw. :D

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Thanks Olisredan ;)


I have to admit that I did sort of cheat, I drybrushed Astronomicon Grey over the Black Gesso undercoat ^_^


It helped provide the shadows of the model and meant I had the armour finished after about 4 coats in the order of Magenta Ink, old Red Wash x 2, old Red Wash with a little bit of Yellow Ink mixed in a 2:1 ratio and final lining in with Vallejo Sepia Ink (Which is an absolute miracle worker :P).


Made it a lot quicker than if I'd worked up from straight Black.

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