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can terminators run?

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yay! sorry for the stupid question...:)

Are you kidding? Easy questions are nice. I like the questions that don't take four+ pages to settle. <3

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They may not be fast enough to do a sweeping advance, but they can waddle real quick instead of shooting.

Recall that (per the BRB) models during the movement phase all move at 6" regardless of their flat-out on-a-track foot speed, to reflect their moving cautiously, checking around corners, etc. (Recall that they lack our own "god-like vision of the battlefield".) Running represents them throwing caution to the wind and committing more to moving (but they're still keeping their heads down).


A Sweeping Advance involves much faster movement than simply a committed march, as the enemies fleeing is no longer "keeping their heads down"; they're flat out running for their lives. (And really, can you blame them?)


I would say that Terminators can pick up a brisk pace, even jog...but they cannot sprint. :P A brother-marine in Power Armor would win a race against them any day.

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I understand where you're probably gettin' this.


Yeah, Termies are the walking tanks. But, they still can run and charge and beat and slash and go nuts. Their armor maybe heavy, but damn, they can run.


Except, i have a follow-up question.



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I take it back. I bet a Terminator can run REALLY FAST...but it probably has some criminally slow acceleration; hence the lack of Sweep.
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Here is a better question can a terminator get back up if it trips or falls off a building etc?


I think they need the Ogre Gut plates on both the front and back of them so in case it happens, they can keep rolling and come back up on their feet.


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Fun's over. Keep it on track. Set some questionable posts that have no place on the B&C to invisible.


But to save any more inane posts....




If anyone has a burning desire to add something really insightful to this topic, then PM an +OR+ mod and we'll consider reopening.




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