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Contemptor Dread counts-as Dreadknight...Tall enough?


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I figure some of you own at least one or the other of these models. I'd like a favor as I consider buying one or both for my GK. ;) So...please do me (and all of us GK players) a favor and whip out that tape measure!


How tall, roughly, is the Contemptor Dread?


How tall, roughly, is the Dreadknight?


Basically if the DK is taller (which I suspect it is) but not significantly, I can jack the Contemptor up on a taller base...or (worst case) do some extension-conversion on the legs. I'm hoping it's close though; or - better yet - dead even.


Thanks in advance. :D

Can't say first hand, but there are comparison photos of them both next to dreadnoughts to give you a rough idea:






From those, it looks like a good couple of inches taller than a contemptor.

Yea, those pictures are very telling; it's funny that I've seen both of those photos and it hadn't occurred to me to use the Dread as a point of reference. :)


You're right, Olisredan; no amount of base-jacking will do. Well...some extreme base-jacking maybe. But...yea. Not really close enough.

Add a banner, sorted!

haha, Technically the banner doesn't count for LOS...but I bet your opponent would more than happily allow it. (Anybody I'd play against would.) I'd be more inclined to jack up the base/legs...but honestly a banner could look awesome. ;)


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