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Using plastic DP model as Greater daemon

Trevak Dal

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Just noted something. "Note that the model must actually be converted to have a pair of wings" (emphasis on mine).


If there's no conversion involved, then it should be alright, right? :cuss



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Just noted something. "Note that the model must actually be converted to have a pair of wings" (emphasis on mine).


If there's no conversion involved, then it should be alright, right? ;)




Surely, using RAW, the FAQ prohibits us from using the plastic DP's wings, as they are not "converted", and are a standard component of the model, i.e. you can build a DP from the kit without any conversion whatsoever, and therefore means that a GW plastic DP can never take wings as an upgrade in game?


This seems a trifle odd to me.

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I'm starting to think some of the "Its against WYSIWYG" posters have been hanging out at 'Ard Boys too much. There is no generic Greater Daemon, so does that mean people just can't take one at all? After all, plonking a Great Unclean One down on a table as a generic GD is also "against WYSIWYG" because its a freaking GUO and has its body infested with Nurglings. Ditto for a Keeper of Secrets, which has rending claws. Bloodthirsters and Lords of Change both have wings. So if you play with people who are that into WYSIWYG, then just don't take the generic GD because you'll never be able to use one of the existing figures.


That having been said, I know of a few ways you can convert a GD yourself and have it look like something truly from the Realm of Chaos. I just don't know where I put it. /sweatdrop

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