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My Blood Angels


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This is one of my more recent armies. I wanted to paint it to a basic tabletop standard just for friends to use who didnt have an army of their own but wanted to learn the game. I finished the force before the second wave dreadnoughts came out, so the death co and librarian dreads are converted rather than the proper kits.
















And the characters







Finally, im now painting my space hulk terminators. Im taking more time over these as they are special models and I wanted to do them justice. Only have 3 finished so far.







I look forward to any comments and critisms!

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Really nice man! I have to say particularly liking that Dante conversion! How did you put that together by chance?


Really nice man! I have to say particularly liking that Dante conversion! How did you put that together by chance?


never mind, I see now! You put dante's front half of his head onto the back half of one of the sang guards. Nicely done!

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Thanks dude, but your actually wrong :) The head is a normal san guard head, I drilled the mouth out a little and stuck some cut down laurels onto it. Your way would probably of been easier though! His wings are actually from a cheap necklace I got from river island too!
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Thanks guys. They are indeed lucky friends, or unlucky as they now have no excuse not to be dragged into my man cave and forced to endure my geekery!

The melta devs helmet is from the ven dreadnought i beleive, I think it fits in here much nicer! And ive had a lot of practice painting white as I painted 3000 points of eldar exodites in a winter scheme! Ive found the trick is to start with space wolves grey and build up from that.

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Really solid force here fella. My favourite is the libby dread and the SG kit bashes. However, I think your tacticals could do with extra highlight or two as they look a little flat compared to the rest. Oh, and the bases are nicely done, not too busy, but attention paid.
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hehe, yea, the grapple was a bit pants, but I couldnt think of anything else to use at the time!

Thanks DarkMark, the tact marines are painted the same as the assaults, but I see what you mean. The bases are something im really paying attention too these days, I think they help make a good model a better one! I try and stick to around 3 basing materials per base.

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Thanks again. I didnt like the idea of a gold honour squad, the SG are already gold, so I wanted something different. Then I remembered the robed models and thought what better than to create some 'proper' angels! Same reasoning behind painting the priests white, I just wanted something different to make them stand out a bit more.

Cheers Nate, Its your fault im on here in the first place! Wont be too many updates not though im afraid, once the space hulk termies are done thats it. But i have my own chapter to work on next B)

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You'll get one a month lol. Theres a few of us on the forum in my sig doing a challenge to paint the same one each month to the best of our abilitys. As we're all doing the same mini its pretty cool as you can compare them side by side and see how you or others can improve! You should check it out, my Exodites are on there too ^_^ (Shameless plug for the dragon there! lol, wont do it again, i promise ;))
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