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Converted Typhus


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Thought id share my recently finished Typhus with you for your thoughts and feedback.

I wanted to stay away from the usual green and so painted him with a kind of pale dead flesh colour instead, I think it works but have had some people say its not as good as a typical green. What do you think?




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I do my DG in white, and am also a little put off by straight up green. I like how you achieved more of an in-between here.


Nice use of the base Nurgling on Typhus' back, too. I like that quite a bit.


One day, I plan on converting a new Typhus to look like his artwork in the Chaos 'dex ... one day ...

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I love the conversion work you've done. Subtle, but it completely changes the feel of him. As for the paint job, I think its really striking and stands out.

I'd love to see him stood alongside some Plague Marine's and Terminator's!




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Thanks guys. I will be returning to papa nurgle in due time, im just holding on until the 'rumoured' new chaos codex is released. Watch this space!

If you want to see more of my work though, there are B&C links in my sig, plus one to another forum where you can see my none power armour stuff :)

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