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Death Company basics?


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What is the basic build for a fun Death Company build? Not competitive, but also not just a tabling waiting to happen?


Depends on your definitions of fun...


You'll want one fist and at least one PW, the rest is up to you. I like bolters, mainly because it looks good.

I just posted basically the exact same question over in Lists (not sure which place is better for this question...) I'm eager to see the responses. I've been putting together my Angels Encarmine DC, and so far have 2 PFs, 1 TH, 1 guy with an Infernus pistol (which I am 50% sure people will tell me not to bother with, but he looks cool), and 3-4 regular guys, and a DC Chaplain. I'm going to magnetize them with regular backpacks and Jump Packs.


I'll keep an eye on this thread too, to see what people have to say.

Hi guys,

I field one squad of DC every game. It started because I really want to field the DC dread, but in the meantime I fell in love with them and field them on a regular basis as a little hammer unit.


I take a 5 man squad with a powerfist in a Razorback. My HQ is a Reclusiarch. He is attached.

Weapons on the Razorback vary.


I allways drive 12" trying to get near a nice target and shoot at something with the Razorback.

Then my opponent maybe pops my transport, or I'll get out the next round. Either way. It's very likely to get the charge and then I start to dish out the pain and smack some faces.


The unit gives you 16 attacks initiative 5 rerolling to hit AND wound with weapon skill 5 and strenght 5, which means you hit a marine on a 3+ and wound him on a 3+ too (Rerolling everything)


Then you have the Reclusiarch. 4 attacks initiative 6 rerolling 1 hit ignoring armour saves hitting and wounding on a 3+.


Last but not least the fist. 3 attacks ignoring armour saves.

Hell yeah...

And if something is left to strike back you have Feel no Pain.


Be careful about enemies with higher initiative and power weapons though. They are likely to wipe you out before you have the chance to fight

Messing around with Army Builder I made up something like;




DC x10, PF, PW, ccw/bp x7, jump packs

DC x6, PF, PW, bolters x4, razorback w/twn asscan

DC x6, PF, PW, bolters x4, razorback w/twn asscan

DC Dread


Baal x2


Storm Raven


Seemed like it would be fun. Was thinking of dropping 10 man to two 5's with one sticking with jump packs and the other going into another razorback w/twn asscan.


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