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Flesh Tearer Combat Squad


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Hey folks, started a DoA army, and have completed my first combat squad. I've realised that completely building the model before painting slows down the process a ton, so when I build the next unit I'll paint the red torse separate from the shoulder pads, helmet and backpack.









Thanks for looking, hope you enjoy :rolleyes:

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... I would only suggests that you paint in the vents of the armour ... Are the symbols handpainted?


I assume by vents you mean the flex joints, if so I was originally going to paint them, but on my test model I think it darkens the torse and legs to much, making the model look to dark. Check the photo below for my test model. I know I messed up the jumppack, I've since painted it black, and the model was just to dark :S




As for the symbols, they are hand painted, but I'm not happy with them, so I've ordered some of the small metal ones to replace them with.


Going to add a blood drop in the middle?


Ah yeah I'd not realised I'd missed them till you pointed it out, /me fails ^_^


I really like the gore, works well with them. :cuss


Thanks, I was worrying it maybe a tad over the top, as its kind of a unifying style choice, as both my Dark Angels(to a lesser extent) and my Cloven Beastmarines(to an excess) have the same blood effect.

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