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Assault terminator sgt weapons


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I've used a list that has the Sanguinor + some assault termies in it quite a lot, so I decided to get the forgeworld blood angel shoulders, and the black templars storm shields with a new box of termies to add a more detailed feel to the army.


The composition of the squad that I use is 3x TH/SS, and 2x LC. Without thinking about it I've always used a TH/SS sergeant because that's what I modeled when I first assembled that kit. Now with a possible Sanguinor's blessing being randomly rolled, the extra I, A, and W, on top of furious charge from the squad's priest for S and another I, i'm starting to think that LC's on the sergeant would be better, especially since any instant death hits will be taken on the SS's 3+ saves first.


3 attacks base, + 1 for the blessing + 1 for the aura +1 for charging = 6 str 5 attacks at I6 with rerolls to wound and 2 wounds...



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I'd definitely opt for lightning claws on the sarge if running Sanguinor. The hammer is just wasting the initiative bonus, which is definitely nice to take advantage of. As you said, 6 attacks on the charge that hit on 3's (+1 WS also rocks), wound on 3's with a re-roll, don't allow saves, and strikes at initiative 6 is brutal. Its a shame that the only way you can dictate where the blessing goes is by using Dante for scoring Sanguinary Guard. But as much as some people have argued in favor of BA captains with lightning claws as beat sticks, the Assault Terminator Sarge would be much cheaper, with a very comparable damage output. Plus he can't be picked out of the squad.


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