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One moe time into the Breach


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So I play a game with My best friend and most hated 40k rivals & I totally kicked his Templar butt. Ten years of BA and Templar rivalry The games are always fun, brutal, And bloody. So I was facing Down 3 LRC's, a Vindicator, 2 CC Crusader squads, 1 shooty squad, EC, and a Reclusiarch. My list is posted on Blood Angles FTW.


Mission was Capture and control and table quarters. I got first turn. Turn 1 I moved my SR up and Immobilized the Reclusiarch"s LRC and wercked the EC's LRC. Both my SR were Immobilized but the didnt move flat out. w00t!

Turn 2 My RAS came in and popped His Vindicator, My DC failed the charge on His EC squad but My Priest and SG made there charge. Priest and EC wiped each other out but the SG killed all but 3 of the crusader squad. My DC got shot to pieces. Than his Relusiach charged my DC and SG. We tied combat each losing 8. Turn 3 RAS caps objective, Frurioso takes out Immobilized LRC, and DC dread charges and takes out the Relusiarch's crusader squad. His Reclusiarch kills My Reclusiarch and my last DC kills him. His shooty squad and last LRC shoots up My tac marines but 1 lives and stay's on the objective. Turn 4 my SG Chages his shooty squad and pulls them away from the objective. Turn 5 my DC wipes out his shooty squad and I have both objectives


It was an epic battle! But most of all it was fun. Thanks Chaplain Yochiam.

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Anytime. However you left out the part where my neophytes in the shooty squad killed of your remaining Sang Guard and the fact that we were damn close to a draw with my 3rd LRC still fully armed and mobile. Yes you had your furioso ready to charge it but needed 6s. It was a great game. Yes you won but I wasn't a butt kicking you were mauled to hell and back.



For Sigsmund, for Dorn, For the Emperor.

Anytime. However you left out the part where my neophytes in the shooty squad killed of your remaining Sang Guard and the fact that we were damn close to a draw with my 3rd LRC still fully armed and mobile. Yes you had your furioso ready to charge it but needed 6s. It was a great game. Yes you won but I wasn't a butt kicking you were mauled to hell and back.



For Sigsmund, for Dorn, For the Emperor.

Phffftt! The winners write history


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